!function() { // function r(r, o) { if (r && o) { let a = 1; r.addeventlistener("click", function() { if (r.classlist.toggle("is-active"), o.classlist.toggle("is-active"), r.classlist.contains("tips-inner") && o.classlist.contains("is-active")) { let r = t.length * math.random() | 0; r === a && (r = t.length * math.random() | 0); let o = t[r]; e.innerhtml = o, a = r } }) } } // let s = !0 , c = window.matchmedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)"); c.matches && (s = !1); // 閸旂姾娴? let l = document.queryselector(".loader") , d = document.queryselector(".cursor") , u = document.queryselector(".site-header") , f = document.queryselectorall(".scroll-text"); // function s() { if (document.queryselectorall("[data-splitting]") && splitting(), l && function(e) { let t = e.queryselectorall(".loader-animation") , r = e.queryselector(".loader-background"); const o = gsap.timeline({ defaults: { ease: "sine.ease" } }); o.to(t, { opacity: 0, duration: .15, delay: .3 }).to(r, { ypercent: -100, duration: .5, delay: .3 }).to(e, { opacity: 0, duration: .15 }).to(e, { autoalpha: 0, display: "none", duration: 0 }) }(l), d && function(e) { gsap.set(e, { xpercent: -50, ypercent: -50 }); let t = e , r = { x: window.innerwidth / 2, y: window.innerheight / 2 } , o = { x: r.x, y: r.y } , a = gsap.quicksetter(t, "x", "px") , n = gsap.quicksetter(t, "y", "px"); document.body.addeventlistener("mousemove", e=>{ o.x = e.x, o.y = e.y } ), gsap.ticker.add(()=>{ const e = 1 - math.pow(.8, gsap.ticker.deltaratio()); r.x += (o.x - r.x) * e, r.y += (o.y - r.y) * e, a(r.x), n(r.y) } ), document.body.addeventlistener("mouseenter", function(e) { (e.target.matches("a") || e.target.matches(".hamburger")) && t.classlist.add("link-hover"), e.target.matches(".copy") && t.classlist.add("fade"), e.target.matches(".graphic") && t.classlist.add("graphic-hover"), e.target.matches(".tips-inner") && t.classlist.add("tips-hover"), e.target.matches(".easter-egg") && t.classlist.add("hide") }, !0), document.body.addeventlistener("mouseleave", function(e) { (e.target.matches("a") || e.target.matches(".hamburger")) && t.classlist.remove("link-hover"), e.target.matches(".copy") && t.classlist.remove("fade"), e.target.matches(".graphic") && t.classlist.remove("graphic-hover"), e.target.matches(".tips-inner") && t.classlist.remove("tips-hover"), e.target.matches(".easter-egg") && t.classlist.remove("hide") }, !0), settimeout(function() { t.classlist.add("active") }, 1500) }(d), u && function(e) { let t = e.queryselector(".hamburger") , r = e.queryselectorall(".site-header-name .char") , o = e.queryselectorall(".site-header-tagline .word") , a = e.queryselector(".site-header-menu") , n = e.queryselectorall(".site-header-menu li"); gsap.set(t, { opacity: 0 }), gsap.set(r, { ypercent: 100 }), gsap.set(o, { ypercent: 100, opacity: 0 }), gsap.set(n, { ypercent: -150, opacity: 0 }); const i = gsap.timeline({ defaults: { ease: "sine.ease" } }); i.to(r, { ypercent: 0, duration: .5, stagger: .05, delay: .8 }).add("secondary").to(o, { ypercent: 0, opacity: 1, delay: -.45, duration: .5, stagger: .075 }, "secondary").to(n, { ypercent: 0, opacity: 1, duration: .4, stagger: .075, oncomplete: function() { a.classlist.add("loaded") } }, "secondary").to(t, { opacity: 1, duration: .5 }, "secondary") }(g, y, p)) ; } let b = document.queryselector("#hamburger") , v = document.queryselector(".tips-inner") , q = document.queryselector(".tips-text-wrap"); window.addeventlistener("domcontentloaded", ()=>{ b && u && r(b, u), v && q && r(v, q), s && s(); let e = document.queryselector("#scrolltrigger"); if ("intersectionobserver"in window && "intersectionobserverentry"in window && "intersectionratio"in window.intersectionobserverentry.prototype && e) { let t = { rootmargin: "150px", threshold: .5 } , r = t=>{ for (let r of t) r.target === e && (r.isintersecting ? document.body.classlist.remove("scrolled") : document.body.classlist.add("scrolled")) } ; new window.intersectionobserver(r,t).observe(e) } } ), document.addeventlistener("readystatechange", e=>{ c.addeventlistener("change", ()=>{ c.matches ? s = !1 : (s = !0, s()) } ) } ) }(); /*! * gsap 3.7.1 * https://greensock.com * * @license copyright 2021, greensock. all rights reserved. * subject to the terms at https://greensock.com/standard-license or for club greensock members, the agreement issued with that membership. * @author: jack doyle, jack@greensock.com */ !function(t, e) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? e(exports) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["exports"], e) : e((t = t || self).window = t.window || {}) }(this, function(e) { "use strict"; function _inheritsloose(t, e) { t.prototype = object.create(e.prototype), (t.prototype.constructor = t).__proto__ = e } function _assertthisinitialized(t) { if (void 0 === t) throw new referenceerror("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return t } function o(t) { return "string" == typeof t } function p(t) { return "function" == typeof t } function q(t) { return "number" == typeof t } function r(t) { return void 0 === t } function s(t) { return "object" == typeof t } function t(t) { return !1 !== t } function u() { return "undefined" != typeof window } function v(t) { return p(t) || o(t) } function m(t) { return (h = mt(t, ot)) && oe } function n(t, e) { return console.warn("invalid property", t, "set to", e, "missing plugin? gsap.registerplugin()") } function o(t, e) { return !e && console.warn(t) } function p(t, e) { return t && (ot[t] = e) && h && (h[t] = e) || ot } function q() { return 0 } function $(t) { var e, r, i = t[0]; if (s(i) || p(i) || (t = [t]), !(e = (i._gsap || {}).harness)) { for (r = pt.length; r-- && !pt[r].targettest(i); ) ; e = pt[r] } for (r = t.length; r--; ) t[r] && (t[r]._gsap || (t[r]._gsap = new lt(t[r],e))) || t.splice(r, 1); return t } function _(t) { return t._gsap || $(xt(t))[0]._gsap } function aa(t, e, i) { return (i = t[e]) && p(i) ? t[e]() : r(i) && t.getattribute && t.getattribute(e) || i } function ba(t, e) { return (t = t.split(",")).foreach(e) || t } function ca(t) { return math.round(1e5 * t) / 1e5 || 0 } function da(t, e) { for (var r = e.length, i = 0; t.indexof(e[i]) < 0 && ++i < r; ) ; return i < r } function ea() { var t, e, r = ht.length, i = ht.slice(0); for (lt = {}, t = ht.length = 0; t < r; t++) (e = i[t]) && e._lazy && (e.render(e._lazy[0], e._lazy[1], !0)._lazy = 0) } function fa(t, e, r, i) { ht.length && ea(), t.render(e, r, i), ht.length && ea() } function ga(t) { var e = parsefloat(t); return (e || 0 === e) && (t + "").match(at).length < 2 ? e : o(t) ? t.trim() : t } function ha(t) { return t } function ia(t, e) { for (var r in e) r in t || (t[r] = e[r]); return t } function ja(t, e) { for (var r in e) r in t || "duration" === r || "ease" === r || (t[r] = e[r]) } function la(t, e) { for (var r in e) "__proto__" !== r && "constructor" !== r && "prototype" !== r && (t[r] = s(e[r]) ? la(t[r] || (t[r] = {}), e[r]) : e[r]); return t } function ma(t, e) { var r, i = {}; for (r in t) r in e || (i[r] = t[r]); return i } function na(e) { var r = e.parent || r , i = e.keyframes ? ja : ia; if (t(e.inherit)) for (; r; ) i(e, r.vars.defaults), r = r.parent || r._dp; return e } function qa(t, e, r, i) { void 0 === r && (r = "_first"), void 0 === i && (i = "_last"); var n = e._prev , a = e._next; n ? n._next = a : t[r] === e && (t[r] = a), a ? a._prev = n : t[i] === e && (t[i] = n), e._next = e._prev = e.parent = null } function ra(t, e) { !t.parent || e && !t.parent.autoremovechildren || t.parent.remove(t), t._act = 0 } function sa(t, e) { if (t && (!e || e._end > t._dur || e._start < 0)) for (var r = t; r; ) r._dirty = 1, r = r.parent; return t } function va(t) { return t._repeat ? gt(t._ttime, t = t.duration() + t._rdelay) * t : 0 } function xa(t, e) { return (t - e._start) * e._ts + (0 <= e._ts ? 0 : e._dirty ? e.totalduration() : e._tdur) } function ya(t) { return t._end = ca(t._start + (t._tdur / math.abs(t._ts || t._rts || u) || 0)) } function za(t, e) { var r = t._dp; return r && r.smoothchildtiming && t._ts && (t._start = ca(r._time - (0 < t._ts ? e / t._ts : ((t._dirty ? t.totalduration() : t._tdur) - e) / -t._ts)), ya(t), r._dirty || sa(r, t)), t } function aa(t, e) { var r; if ((e._time || e._initted && !e._dur) && (r = xa(t.rawtime(), e), (!e._dur || tt(0, e.totalduration(), r) - e._ttime > u) && e.render(r, !0)), sa(t, e)._dp && t._initted && t._time >= t._dur && t._ts) { if (t._dur < t.duration()) for (r = t; r._dp; ) 0 <= r.rawtime() && r.totaltime(r._ttime), r = r._dp; t._ztime = -u } } function ba(t, e, r, i) { return e.parent && ra(e), e._start = ca((q(r) ? r : r || t !== r ? bt(t, r, e) : t._time) + e._delay), e._end = ca(e._start + (e.totalduration() / math.abs(e.timescale()) || 0)), function _addlinkedlistitem(t, e, r, i, n) { void 0 === r && (r = "_first"), void 0 === i && (i = "_last"); var a, s = t[i]; if (n) for (a = e[n]; s && s[n] > a; ) s = s._prev; s ? (e._next = s._next, s._next = e) : (e._next = t[r], t[r] = e), e._next ? e._next._prev = e : t[i] = e, e._prev = s, e.parent = e._dp = t }(t, e, "_first", "_last", t._sort ? "_start" : 0), vt(e) || (t._recent = e), i || aa(t, e), t } function ca(t, e) { return (ot.scrolltrigger || n("scrolltrigger", e)) && ot.scrolltrigger.create(e, t) } function da(t, e, r, i) { return ut(t, e), t._initted ? !r && t._pt && (t._dur && !1 !== t.vars.lazy || !t._dur && t.vars.lazy) && f !== st.frame ? (ht.push(t), t._lazy = [e, i], 1) : void 0 : 1 } function ia(t, e, r, i) { var n = t._repeat , a = ca(e) || 0 , s = t._ttime / t._tdur; return s && !i && (t._time *= a / t._dur), t._dur = a, t._tdur = n ? n < 0 ? 1e10 : ca(a * (n + 1) + t._rdelay * n) : a, s && !i ? za(t, t._ttime = t._tdur * s) : t.parent && ya(t), r || sa(t.parent, t), t } function ja(t) { return t instanceof qt ? sa(t) : ia(t, t._dur) } function ma(e, r, i) { var n, a, s = q(r[1]), o = (s ? 2 : 1) + (e < 2 ? 0 : 1), u = r[o]; if (s && (u.duration = r[1]), u.parent = i, e) { for (n = u, a = i; a && !("immediaterender"in n); ) n = a.vars.defaults || {}, a = t(a.vars.inherit) && a.parent; u.immediaterender = t(n.immediaterender), e < 2 ? u.runbackwards = 1 : u.startat = r[o - 1] } return new qt(r[0],u,r[1 + o]) } function na(t, e) { return t || 0 === t ? e(t) : e } function pa(t) { if ("string" != typeof t) return ""; var e = st.exec(t); return e ? t.substr(e.index + e[0].length) : "" } function sa(t, e) { return t && s(t) && "length"in t && (!e && !t.length || t.length - 1 in t && s(t[0])) && !t.nodetype && t !== i } function wa(t) { return t.sort(function() { return .5 - math.random() }) } function xa(t) { if (p(t)) return t; var _ = s(t) ? t : { each: t } , m = ft(_.ease) , g = _.from || 0 , v = parsefloat(_.base) || 0 , y = {} , e = 0 < g && g < 1 , b = isnan(g) || e , t = _.axis , w = g , x = g; return o(g) ? w = x = { center: .5, edges: .5, end: 1 }[g] || 0 : !e && b && (w = g[0], x = g[1]), function(t, e, r) { var i, n, a, s, o, u, h, l, f, d = (r || _).length, c = y[d]; if (!c) { if (!(f = "auto" === _.grid ? 0 : (_.grid || [1, x])[1])) { for (h = -x; h < (h = r[f++].getboundingclientrect().left) && f < d; ) ; f-- } for (c = y[d] = [], i = b ? math.min(f, d) * w - .5 : g % f, n = b ? d * x / f - .5 : g / f | 0, l = x, u = h = 0; u < d; u++) a = u % f - i, s = n - (u / f | 0), c[u] = o = t ? math.abs("y" === t ? s : a) : g(a * a + s * s), h < o && (h = o), o < l && (l = o); "random" === g && wa(c), c.max = h - l, c.min = l, c.v = d = (parsefloat(_.amount) || parsefloat(_.each) * (d < f ? d - 1 : t ? "y" === t ? d / f : f : math.max(f, d / f)) || 0) * ("edges" === g ? -1 : 1), c.b = d < 0 ? v - d : v, c.u = pa(_.amount || _.each) || 0, m = m && d < 0 ? bt(m) : m } return d = (c[t] - c.min) / c.max || 0, ca(c.b + (m ? m(d) : d) * c.v) + c.u } } function ya(r) { var i = r < 1 ? math.pow(10, (r + "").length - 2) : 1; return function(t) { var e = math.round(parsefloat(t) / r) * r * i; return (e - e % 1) / i + (q(t) ? 0 : pa(t)) } } function za(u, t) { var h, l, e = h(u); return !e && s(u) && (h = e = u.radius || x, u.values ? (u = xt(u.values), (l = !q(u[0])) && (h *= h)) : u = ya(u.increment)), na(t, e ? p(u) ? function(t) { return l = u(t), math.abs(l - t) <= h ? l : t } : function(t) { for (var e, r, i = parsefloat(l ? t.x : t), n = parsefloat(l ? t.y : 0), a = x, s = 0, o = u.length; o--; ) (e = l ? (e = u[o].x - i) * e + (r = u[o].y - n) * r : math.abs(u[o] - i)) < a && (a = e, s = o); return s = !h || a <= h ? u[s] : t, l || s === t || q(t) ? s : s + pa(t) } : ya(u)) } function $a(t, e, r, i) { return na(h(t) ? !e : !0 === r ? !!(r = 0) : !i, function() { return h(t) ? t[~~(math.random() * t.length)] : (r = r || 1e-5) && (i = r < 1 ? math.pow(10, (r + "").length - 2) : 1) && math.floor(math.round((t - r / 2 + math.random() * (e - t + .99 * r)) / r) * r * i) / i }) } function cb(e, r, t) { return na(t, function(t) { return e[~~r(t)] }) } function fb(t) { for (var e, r, i, n, a = 0, s = ""; ~(e = t.indexof("random(", a)); ) i = t.indexof(")", e), n = "[" === t.charat(e + 7), r = t.substr(e + 7, i - e - 7).match(n ? at : tt), s += t.substr(a, e - a) + $a(n ? r : +r[0], n ? 0 : +r[1], +r[2] || 1e-5), a = i + 1; return s + t.substr(a, t.length - a) } function ib(t, e, r) { var i, n, a, s = t.labels, o = x; for (i in s) (n = s[i] - e) < 0 == !!r && n && o > (n = math.abs(n)) && (a = i, o = n); return a } function kb(t) { return ra(t), t.scrolltrigger && t.scrolltrigger.kill(!1), t.progress() < 1 && pt(t, "oninterrupt"), t } function pb(t, e, r) { return (6 * (t = t < 0 ? t + 1 : 1 < t ? t - 1 : t) < 1 ? e + (r - e) * t * 6 : t < .5 ? r : 3 * t < 2 ? e + (r - e) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6 : e) * kt + .5 | 0 } function qb(t, e, r) { var i, n, a, s, o, u, h, l, f, d, c = t ? q(t) ? [t >> 16, t >> 8 & kt, t & kt] : 0 : mt.black; if (!c) { if ("," === t.substr(-1) && (t = t.substr(0, t.length - 1)), mt[t]) c = mt[t]; else if ("#" === t.charat(0)) { if (t.length < 6 && (t = "#" + (i = t.charat(1)) + i + (n = t.charat(2)) + n + (a = t.charat(3)) + a + (5 === t.length ? t.charat(4) + t.charat(4) : "")), 9 === t.length) return [(c = parseint(t.substr(1, 6), 16)) >> 16, c >> 8 & kt, c & kt, parseint(t.substr(7), 16) / 255]; c = [(t = parseint(t.substr(1), 16)) >> 16, t >> 8 & kt, t & kt] } else if ("hsl" === t.substr(0, 3)) if (c = d = t.match(tt), e) { if (~t.indexof("=")) return c = t.match(et), r && c.length < 4 && (c[3] = 1), c } else s = +c[0] % 360 / 360, o = c[1] / 100, i = 2 * (u = c[2] / 100) - (n = u <= .5 ? u * (o + 1) : u + o - u * o), 3 < c.length && (c[3] *= 1), c[0] = pb(s + 1 / 3, i, n), c[1] = pb(s, i, n), c[2] = pb(s - 1 / 3, i, n); else c = t.match(tt) || mt.transparent; c = c.map(number) } return e && !d && (i = c[0] / kt, n = c[1] / kt, a = c[2] / kt, u = ((h = math.max(i, n, a)) + (l = math.min(i, n, a))) / 2, h === l ? s = o = 0 : (f = h - l, o = .5 < u ? f / (2 - h - l) : f / (h + l), s = h === i ? (n - a) / f + (n < a ? 6 : 0) : h === n ? (a - i) / f + 2 : (i - n) / f + 4, s *= 60), c[0] = ~~(s + .5), c[1] = ~~(100 * o + .5), c[2] = ~~(100 * u + .5)), r && c.length < 4 && (c[3] = 1), c } function rb(t) { var r = [] , i = [] , n = -1; return t.split(at).foreach(function(t) { var e = t.match(rt) || []; r.push.apply(r, e), i.push(n += e.length + 1) }), r.c = i, r } function sb(t, e, r) { var i, n, a, s, o = "", u = (t + o).match(at), h = e ? "hsla(" : "rgba(", l = 0; if (!u) return t; if (u = u.map(function(t) { return (t = qb(t, e, 1)) && h + (e ? t[0] + "," + t[1] + "%," + t[2] + "%," + t[3] : t.join(",")) + ")" }), r && (a = rb(t), (i = r.c).join(o) !== a.c.join(o))) for (s = (n = t.replace(at, "1").split(rt)).length - 1; l < s; l++) o += n[l] + (~i.indexof(l) ? u.shift() || h + "0,0,0,0)" : (a.length ? a : u.length ? u : r).shift()); if (!n) for (s = (n = t.split(at)).length - 1; l < s; l++) o += n[l] + u[l]; return o + n[s] } function vb(t) { var e, r = t.join(" "); if (at.lastindex = 0, at.test(r)) return e = ct.test(r), t[1] = sb(t[1], e), t[0] = sb(t[0], e, rb(t[1])), !0 } function eb(t) { var e = (t + "").split("(") , r = zt[e[0]]; return r && 1 < e.length && r.config ? r.config.apply(null, ~t.indexof("{") ? [function _parseobjectinstring(t) { for (var e, r, i, n = {}, a = t.substr(1, t.length - 3).split(":"), s = a[0], o = 1, u = a.length; o < u; o++) r = a[o], e = o !== u - 1 ? r.lastindexof(",") : r.length, i = r.substr(0, e), n[s] = isnan(i) ? i.replace(et, "").trim() : +i, s = r.substr(e + 1).trim(); return n }(e[1])] : function _valueinparentheses(t) { var e = t.indexof("(") + 1 , r = t.indexof(")") , i = t.indexof("(", e); return t.substring(e, ~i && i < r ? t.indexof(")", r + 1) : r) }(t).split(",").map(ga)) : zt._ce && it.test(t) ? zt._ce("", t) : r } function gb(t, e) { for (var r, i = t._first; i; ) i instanceof qt ? gb(i, e) : !i.vars.yoyoease || i._yoyo && i._repeat || i._yoyo === e || (i.timeline ? gb(i.timeline, e) : (r = i._ease, i._ease = i._yease, i._yease = r, i._yoyo = e)), i = i._next } function ib(t, e, r, i) { void 0 === r && (r = function easeout(t) { return 1 - e(1 - t) } ), void 0 === i && (i = function easeinout(t) { return t < .5 ? e(2 * t) / 2 : 1 - e(2 * (1 - t)) / 2 } ); var n, a = { easein: e, easeout: r, easeinout: i }; return ba(t, function(t) { for (var e in zt[t] = ot[t] = a, zt[n = t.tolowercase()] = r, a) zt[n + ("easein" === e ? ".in" : "easeout" === e ? ".out" : ".inout")] = zt[t + "." + e] = a[e] }), a } function jb(e) { return function(t) { return t < .5 ? (1 - e(1 - 2 * t)) / 2 : .5 + e(2 * (t - .5)) / 2 } } function kb(r, t, e) { function ol(t) { return 1 === t ? 1 : i * math.pow(2, -10 * t) * j((t - a) * n) + 1 } var i = 1 <= t ? t : 1 , n = (e || (r ? .3 : .45)) / (t < 1 ? t : 1) , a = n / v * (math.asin(1 / i) || 0) , s = "out" === r ? ol : "in" === r ? function(t) { return 1 - ol(1 - t) } : jb(ol); return n = v / n, s.config = function(t, e) { return kb(r, t, e) } , s } function lb(e, r) { function wl(t) { return t ? --t * t * ((r + 1) * t + r) + 1 : 0 } void 0 === r && (r = 1.70158); var t = "out" === e ? wl : "in" === e ? function(t) { return 1 - wl(1 - t) } : jb(wl); return t.config = function(t) { return lb(e, t) } , t } var f, r, i, n, a, h, l, f, d, c, m, g, y, b, t, w, x, k, a, c, s, d, z, i, e, b, y = { autosleep: 120, force3d: "auto", nulltargetwarn: 1, units: { lineheight: "" } }, l = { duration: .5, overwrite: !1, delay: 0 }, x = 1e8, u = 1 / x, v = 2 * math.pi, j = v / 4, w = 0, g = math.sqrt, k = math.cos, j = math.sin, z = "function" == typeof arraybuffer && arraybuffer.isview || function() {} , h = array.isarray, tt = /(?:-?\.?\d|\.)+/gi, et = /[-+=.]*\d+[.e\-+]*\d*[e\-+]*\d*/g, rt = /[-+=.]*\d+[.e-]*\d*[a-z%]*/g, it = /[-+=.]*\d+\.?\d*(?:e-|e\+)?\d*/gi, nt = /[+-]=-?[.\d]+/, at = /[^,'"\[\]\s]+/gi, st = /[\d.+\-=]+(?:e[-+]\d*)*/i, ot = {}, ut = {}, ht = [], lt = {}, ft = {}, dt = {}, ct = 30, pt = [], _t = "", mt = function _merge(t, e) { for (var r in e) t[r] = e[r]; return t }, gt = function _animationcycle(t, e) { var r = math.floor(t /= e); return t && r === t ? r - 1 : r }, vt = function _isfromorfromstart(t) { var e = t.data; return "isfromstart" === e || "isstart" === e }, yt = { _start: 0, endtime: q, totalduration: q }, bt = function _parseposition(t, e, r) { var i, n, a, s = t.labels, u = t._recent || yt, h = t.duration() >= x ? u.endtime(!1) : t._dur; return o(e) && (isnan(e) || e in s) ? (n = e.charat(0), a = "%" === e.substr(-1), i = e.indexof("="), "<" === n || ">" === n ? (0 <= i && (e = e.replace(/=/, "")), ("<" === n ? u._start : u.endtime(0 <= u._repeat)) + (parsefloat(e.substr(1)) || 0) * (a ? (i < 0 ? u : r).totalduration() / 100 : 1)) : i < 0 ? (e in s || (s[e] = h), s[e]) : (n = parsefloat(e.charat(i - 1) + e.substr(i + 1)), a && r && (n = n / 100 * (h(r) ? r[0] : r).totalduration()), 1 < i ? _parseposition(t, e.substr(0, i - 1), r) + n : h + n)) : null == e ? h : +e }, tt = function _clamp(t, e, r) { return r < t ? t : e < r ? e : r }, wt = [].slice, xt = function toarray(t, e, r) { return !o(t) || r || !n && dt() ? h(t) ? function _flatten(t, e, r) { return void 0 === r && (r = []), t.foreach(function(t) { return o(t) && !e || sa(t, 1) ? r.push.apply(r, xt(t)) : r.push(t) }) || r }(t, r) : sa(t) ? wt.call(t, 0) : t ? [t] : [] : wt.call((e || a).queryselectorall(t), 0) }, ot = function maprange(e, t, r, i, n) { var a = t - e , s = i - r; return na(n, function(t) { return r + ((t - e) / a * s || 0) }) }, pt = function _callback(t, e, r) { var i, n, a = t.vars, s = a[e]; if (s) return i = a[e + "params"], n = a.callbackscope || t, r && ht.length && ea(), i ? s.apply(n, i) : s.call(n) }, kt = 255, mt = { aqua: [0, kt, kt], lime: [0, kt, 0], silver: [192, 192, 192], black: [0, 0, 0], maroon: [128, 0, 0], teal: [0, 128, 128], blue: [0, 0, kt], navy: [0, 0, 128], white: [kt, kt, kt], olive: [128, 128, 0], yellow: [kt, kt, 0], orange: [kt, 165, 0], gray: [128, 128, 128], purple: [128, 0, 128], green: [0, 128, 0], red: [kt, 0, 0], pink: [kt, 192, 203], cyan: [0, kt, kt], transparent: [kt, kt, kt, 0] }, at = function() { var t, e = "(?:\\b(?:(?:rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla)\\(.+?\\))|\\b#(?:[0-9a-f]{3,4}){1,2}\\b"; for (t in mt) e += "|" + t + "\\b"; return new regexp(e + ")","gi") }(), ct = /hsl[a]?\(/, st = (x = date.now, k = 500, a = 33, c = x(), s = c, z = d = 1e3 / 240, b = { time: 0, frame: 0, tick: function tick() { kk(!0) }, deltaratio: function deltaratio(t) { return t / (1e3 / (t || 60)) }, wake: function wake() { l && (!n && u() && (i = n = window, a = i.document || {}, ot.gsap = oe, (i.gsapversions || (i.gsapversions = [])).push(oe.version), m(h || i.greensockglobals || !i.gsap && i || {}), y = i.requestanimationframe), m && b.sleep(), g = y || function(t) { return settimeout(t, z - 1e3 * b.time + 1 | 0) } , c = 1, kk(2)) }, sleep: function sleep() { (y ? i.cancelanimationframe : cleartimeout)(m), c = 0, g = q }, lagsmoothing: function lagsmoothing(t, e) { k = t || 1e8, a = math.min(e, k, 0) }, fps: function fps(t) { d = 1e3 / (t || 240), z = 1e3 * b.time + d }, add: function add(t) { i.indexof(t) < 0 && i.push(t), dt() }, remove: function remove(t) { var e; ~(e = i.indexof(t)) && i.splice(e, 1) && e <= w && w-- }, _listeners: i = [] }), dt = function _wake() { return !c && st.wake() }, zt = {}, it = /^[\d.\-m][\d.\-,\s]/, et = /["']/g, bt = function _invertease(e) { return function(t) { return 1 - e(1 - t) } }, ft = function _parseease(t, e) { return t && (p(t) ? t : zt[t] || eb(t)) || e }; function kk(t) { var e, r, i, n, a = x() - s, s = !0 === t; if (k < a && (c += a - a), (0 < (e = (i = (s += a) - c) - z) || s) && (n = ++b.frame, t = i - 1e3 * b.time, b.time = i /= 1e3, z += e + (d <= e ? 4 : d - e), r = 1), s || (m = g(kk)), r) for (w = 0; w < i.length; w++) i[w](i, t, n, t) } function lm(t) { return t < b ? e * t * t : t < .7272727272727273 ? e * math.pow(t - 1.5 / 2.75, 2) + .75 : t < .9090909090909092 ? e * (t -= 2.25 / 2.75) * t + .9375 : e * math.pow(t - 2.625 / 2.75, 2) + .984375 } ba("linear,quad,cubic,quart,quint,strong", function(t, e) { var r = e < 5 ? e + 1 : e; ib(t + ",power" + (r - 1), e ? function(t) { return math.pow(t, r) } : function(t) { return t } , function(t) { return 1 - math.pow(1 - t, r) }, function(t) { return t < .5 ? math.pow(2 * t, r) / 2 : 1 - math.pow(2 * (1 - t), r) / 2 }) }), zt.linear.easenone = zt.none = zt.linear.easein, ib("elastic", kb("in"), kb("out"), kb()), e = 7.5625, b = 1 / 2.75, ib("bounce", function(t) { return 1 - lm(1 - t) }, lm), ib("expo", function(t) { return t ? math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) : 0 }), ib("circ", function(t) { return -(g(1 - t * t) - 1) }), ib("sine", function(t) { return 1 === t ? 1 : 1 - k(t * j) }), ib("back", lb("in"), lb("out"), lb()), zt.steppedease = zt.steps = ot.steppedease = { config: function config(t, e) { void 0 === t && (t = 1); var r = 1 / t , i = t + (e ? 0 : 1) , n = e ? 1 : 0; return function(t) { return ((i * tt(0, .99999999, t) | 0) + n) * r } } }, l.ease = zt["quad.out"], ba("oncomplete,onupdate,onstart,onrepeat,onreversecomplete,oninterrupt", function(t) { return _t += t + "," + t + "params," }); var rt, lt = function gscache(t, e) { this.id = w++, (t._gsap = this).target = t, this.harness = e, this.get = e ? e.get : aa, this.set = e ? e.getsetter : jt }, nt = ((rt = animation.prototype).delay = function delay(t) { return t || 0 === t ? (this.parent && this.parent.smoothchildtiming && this.starttime(this._start + t - this._delay), this._delay = t, this) : this._delay } , rt.duration = function duration(t) { return arguments.length ? this.totalduration(0 < this._repeat ? t + (t + this._rdelay) * this._repeat : t) : this.totalduration() && this._dur } , rt.totalduration = function totalduration(t) { return arguments.length ? (this._dirty = 0, ia(this, this._repeat < 0 ? t : (t - this._repeat * this._rdelay) / (this._repeat + 1))) : this._tdur } , rt.totaltime = function totaltime(t, e) { if (dt(), !arguments.length) return this._ttime; var r = this._dp; if (r && r.smoothchildtiming && this._ts) { for (za(this, t), !r._dp || r.parent || aa(r, this); r.parent; ) r.parent._time !== r._start + (0 <= r._ts ? r._ttime / r._ts : (r.totalduration() - r._ttime) / -r._ts) && r.totaltime(r._ttime, !0), r = r.parent; !this.parent && this._dp.autoremovechildren && (0 < this._ts && t < this._tdur || this._ts < 0 && 0 < t || !this._tdur && !t) && ba(this._dp, this, this._start - this._delay) } return (this._ttime !== t || !this._dur && !e || this._initted && math.abs(this._ztime) === u || !t && !this._initted && (this.add || this._ptlookup)) && (this._ts || (this._ptime = t), fa(this, t, e)), this } , rt.time = function time(t, e) { return arguments.length ? this.totaltime(math.min(this.totalduration(), t + va(this)) % (this._dur + this._rdelay) || (t ? this._dur : 0), e) : this._time } , rt.totalprogress = function totalprogress(t, e) { return arguments.length ? this.totaltime(this.totalduration() * t, e) : this.totalduration() ? math.min(1, this._ttime / this._tdur) : this.ratio } , rt.progress = function progress(t, e) { return arguments.length ? this.totaltime(this.duration() * (!this._yoyo || 1 & this.iteration() ? t : 1 - t) + va(this), e) : this.duration() ? math.min(1, this._time / this._dur) : this.ratio } , rt.iteration = function iteration(t, e) { var r = this.duration() + this._rdelay; return arguments.length ? this.totaltime(this._time + (t - 1) * r, e) : this._repeat ? gt(this._ttime, r) + 1 : 1 } , rt.timescale = function timescale(t) { if (!arguments.length) return this._rts === -u ? 0 : this._rts; if (this._rts === t) return this; var e = this.parent && this._ts ? xa(this.parent._time, this) : this._ttime; return this._rts = +t || 0, this._ts = this._ps || t === -u ? 0 : this._rts, function _recacheancestors(t) { for (var e = t.parent; e && e.parent; ) e._dirty = 1, e.totalduration(), e = e.parent; return t }(this.totaltime(tt(-this._delay, this._tdur, e), !0)) } , rt.paused = function paused(t) { return arguments.length ? (this._ps !== t && ((this._ps = t) ? (this._ptime = this._ttime || math.max(-this._delay, this.rawtime()), this._ts = this._act = 0) : (dt(), this._ts = this._rts, this.totaltime(this.parent && !this.parent.smoothchildtiming ? this.rawtime() : this._ttime || this._ptime, 1 === this.progress() && math.abs(this._ztime) !== u && (this._ttime -= u)))), this) : this._ps } , rt.starttime = function starttime(t) { if (arguments.length) { this._start = t; var e = this.parent || this._dp; return !e || !e._sort && this.parent || ba(e, this, t - this._delay), this } return this._start } , rt.endtime = function endtime(e) { return this._start + (t(e) ? this.totalduration() : this.duration()) / math.abs(this._ts) } , rt.rawtime = function rawtime(t) { var e = this.parent || this._dp; return e ? t && (!this._ts || this._repeat && this._time && this.totalprogress() < 1) ? this._ttime % (this._dur + this._rdelay) : this._ts ? xa(e.rawtime(t), this) : this._ttime : this._ttime } , rt.globaltime = function globaltime(t) { for (var e = this, r = arguments.length ? t : e.rawtime(); e; ) r = e._start + r / (e._ts || 1), e = e._dp; return r } , rt.repeat = function repeat(t) { return arguments.length ? (this._repeat = t === 1 / 0 ? -2 : t, ja(this)) : -2 === this._repeat ? 1 / 0 : this._repeat } , rt.repeatdelay = function repeatdelay(t) { if (arguments.length) { var e = this._time; return this._rdelay = t, ja(this), e ? this.time(e) : this } return this._rdelay } , rt.yoyo = function yoyo(t) { return arguments.length ? (this._yoyo = t, this) : this._yoyo } , rt.seek = function seek(e, r) { return this.totaltime(bt(this, e), t(r)) } , rt.restart = function restart(e, r) { return this.play().totaltime(e ? -this._delay : 0, t(r)) } , rt.play = function play(t, e) { return null != t && this.seek(t, e), this.reversed(!1).paused(!1) } , rt.reverse = function reverse(t, e) { return null != t && this.seek(t || this.totalduration(), e), this.reversed(!0).paused(!1) } , rt.pause = function pause(t, e) { return null != t && this.seek(t, e), this.paused(!0) } , rt.resume = function resume() { return this.paused(!1) } , rt.reversed = function reversed(t) { return arguments.length ? (!!t !== this.reversed() && this.timescale(-this._rts || (t ? -u : 0)), this) : this._rts < 0 } , rt.invalidate = function invalidate() { return this._initted = this._act = 0, this._ztime = -u, this } , rt.isactive = function isactive() { var t, e = this.parent || this._dp, r = this._start; return !(e && !(this._ts && this._initted && e.isactive() && (t = e.rawtime(!0)) >= r && t < this.endtime(!0) - u)) } , rt.eventcallback = function eventcallback(t, e, r) { var i = this.vars; return 1 < arguments.length ? (e ? (i[t] = e, r && (i[t + "params"] = r), "onupdate" === t && (this._onupdate = e)) : delete i[t], this) : i[t] } , rt.then = function then(t) { var i = this; return new promise(function(e) { function cn() { var t = i.then; i.then = null, p(r) && (r = r(i)) && (r.then || r === i) && (i.then = t), e(r), i.then = t } var r = p(t) ? t : ha; i._initted && 1 === i.totalprogress() && 0 <= i._ts || !i._ttime && i._ts < 0 ? cn() : i._prom = cn } ) } , rt.kill = function kill() { kb(this) } , animation); function animation(t) { this.vars = t, this._delay = +t.delay || 0, (this._repeat = t.repeat === 1 / 0 ? -2 : t.repeat || 0) && (this._rdelay = t.repeatdelay || 0, this._yoyo = !!t.yoyo || !!t.yoyoease), this._ts = 1, ia(this, +t.duration, 1, 1), this.data = t.data, c || st.wake() } ia(nt.prototype, { _time: 0, _start: 0, _end: 0, _ttime: 0, _tdur: 0, _dirty: 0, _repeat: 0, _yoyo: !1, parent: null, _initted: !1, _rdelay: 0, _ts: 1, _dp: 0, ratio: 0, _ztime: -u, _prom: 0, _ps: !1, _rts: 1 }); var qt = function(n) { function timeline(e, r) { var i; return void 0 === e && (e = {}), (i = n.call(this, e) || this).labels = {}, i.smoothchildtiming = !!e.smoothchildtiming, i.autoremovechildren = !!e.autoremovechildren, i._sort = t(e.sortchildren), r && ba(e.parent || r, _assertthisinitialized(i), r), e.reversed && i.reverse(), e.paused && i.paused(!0), e.scrolltrigger && ca(_assertthisinitialized(i), e.scrolltrigger), i } _inheritsloose(timeline, n); var e = timeline.prototype; return e.to = function to(t, e, r) { return ma(0, arguments, this), this } , e.from = function from(t, e, r) { return ma(1, arguments, this), this } , e.fromto = function fromto(t, e, r, i) { return ma(2, arguments, this), this } , e.set = function set(t, e, r) { return e.duration = 0, e.parent = this, na(e).repeatdelay || (e.repeat = 0), e.immediaterender = !!e.immediaterender, new qt(t,e,bt(this, r),1), this } , e.call = function call(t, e, r) { return ba(this, qt.delayedcall(0, t, e), r) } , e.staggerto = function staggerto(t, e, r, i, n, a, s) { return r.duration = e, r.stagger = r.stagger || i, r.oncomplete = a, r.oncompleteparams = s, r.parent = this, new qt(t,r,bt(this, n)), this } , e.staggerfrom = function staggerfrom(e, r, i, n, a, s, o) { return i.runbackwards = 1, na(i).immediaterender = t(i.immediaterender), this.staggerto(e, r, i, n, a, s, o) } , e.staggerfromto = function staggerfromto(e, r, i, n, a, s, o, u) { return n.startat = i, na(n).immediaterender = t(n.immediaterender), this.staggerto(e, r, n, a, s, o, u) } , e.render = function render(t, e, r) { var i, n, a, s, o, u, h, l, f, d, c, p, _ = this._time, m = this._dirty ? this.totalduration() : this._tdur, g = this._dur, v = this !== r && m - u < t && 0 <= t ? m : t < u ? 0 : t, y = this._ztime < 0 != t < 0 && (this._initted || !g); if (v !== this._ttime || r || y) { if (_ !== this._time && g && (v += this._time - _, t += this._time - _), i = v, f = this._start, u = !(l = this._ts), y && (g || (_ = this._ztime), !t && e || (this._ztime = t)), this._repeat) { if (c = this._yoyo, o = g + this._rdelay, this._repeat < -1 && t < 0) return this.totaltime(100 * o + t, e, r); if (i = ca(v % o), v === m ? (s = this._repeat, i = g) : ((s = ~~(v / o)) && s === v / o && (i = g, s--), g < i && (i = g)), d = gt(this._ttime, o), !_ && this._ttime && d !== s && (d = s), c && 1 & s && (i = g - i, p = 1), s !== d && !this._lock) { var b = c && 1 & d , t = b === (c && 1 & s); if (s < d && (b = !b), _ = b ? 0 : g, this._lock = 1, this.render(_ || (p ? 0 : ca(s * o)), e, !g)._lock = 0, this._ttime = v, !e && this.parent && pt(this, "onrepeat"), this.vars.repeatrefresh && !p && (this.invalidate()._lock = 1), _ && _ !== this._time || u != !this._ts || this.vars.onrepeat && !this.parent && !this._act) return this; if (g = this._dur, m = this._tdur, t && (this._lock = 2, _ = b ? g : -1e-4, this.render(_, !0), this.vars.repeatrefresh && !p && this.invalidate()), this._lock = 0, !this._ts && !u) return this; gb(this, p) } } if (this._haspause && !this._forcing && this._lock < 2 && (h = function _findnextpausetween(t, e, r) { var i; if (e < r) for (i = t._first; i && i._start <= r; ) { if (!i._dur && "ispause" === i.data && i._start > e) return i; i = i._next } else for (i = t._last; i && i._start >= r; ) { if (!i._dur && "ispause" === i.data && i._start < e) return i; i = i._prev } }(this, ca(_), ca(i))) && (v -= i - (i = h._start)), this._ttime = v, this._time = i, this._act = !l, this._initted || (this._onupdate = this.vars.onupdate, this._initted = 1, this._ztime = t, _ = 0), !_ && i && !e && (pt(this, "onstart"), this._ttime !== v)) return this; if (_ <= i && 0 <= t) for (n = this._first; n; ) { if (a = n._next, (n._act || i >= n._start) && n._ts && h !== n) { if (n.parent !== this) return this.render(t, e, r); if (n.render(0 < n._ts ? (i - n._start) * n._ts : (n._dirty ? n.totalduration() : n._tdur) + (i - n._start) * n._ts, e, r), i !== this._time || !this._ts && !u) { h = 0, a && (v += this._ztime = -u); break } } n = a } else { n = this._last; for (var w = t < 0 ? t : i; n; ) { if (a = n._prev, (n._act || w <= n._end) && n._ts && h !== n) { if (n.parent !== this) return this.render(t, e, r); if (n.render(0 < n._ts ? (w - n._start) * n._ts : (n._dirty ? n.totalduration() : n._tdur) + (w - n._start) * n._ts, e, r), i !== this._time || !this._ts && !u) { h = 0, a && (v += this._ztime = w ? -u : u); break } } n = a } } if (h && !e && (this.pause(), h.render(_ <= i ? 0 : -u)._ztime = _ <= i ? 1 : -1, this._ts)) return this._start = f, ya(this), this.render(t, e, r); this._onupdate && !e && pt(this, "onupdate", !0), (v === m && m >= this.totalduration() || !v && _) && (f !== this._start && math.abs(l) === math.abs(this._ts) || this._lock || (!t && g || !(v === m && 0 < this._ts || !v && this._ts < 0) || ra(this, 1), e || t < 0 && !_ || !v && !_ && m || (pt(this, v === m && 0 <= t ? "oncomplete" : "onreversecomplete", !0), !this._prom || v < m && 0 < this.timescale() || this._prom()))) } return this } , e.add = function add(t, e) { var r = this; if (q(e) || (e = bt(this, e, t)), !(t instanceof nt)) { if (h(t)) return t.foreach(function(t) { return r.add(t, e) }), this; if (o(t)) return this.addlabel(t, e); if (!p(t)) return this; t = qt.delayedcall(0, t) } return this !== t ? ba(this, t, e) : this } , e.getchildren = function getchildren(t, e, r, i) { void 0 === t && (t = !0), void 0 === e && (e = !0), void 0 === r && (r = !0), void 0 === i && (i = -x); for (var n = [], a = this._first; a; ) a._start >= i && (a instanceof qt ? e && n.push(a) : (r && n.push(a), t && n.push.apply(n, a.getchildren(!0, e, r)))), a = a._next; return n } , e.getbyid = function getbyid(t) { for (var e = this.getchildren(1, 1, 1), r = e.length; r--; ) if (e[r].vars.id === t) return e[r] } , e.remove = function remove(t) { return o(t) ? this.removelabel(t) : p(t) ? this.killtweensof(t) : (qa(this, t), t === this._recent && (this._recent = this._last), sa(this)) } , e.totaltime = function totaltime(t, e) { return arguments.length ? (this._forcing = 1, !this._dp && this._ts && (this._start = ca(st.time - (0 < this._ts ? t / this._ts : (this.totalduration() - t) / -this._ts))), n.prototype.totaltime.call(this, t, e), this._forcing = 0, this) : this._ttime } , e.addlabel = function addlabel(t, e) { return this.labels[t] = bt(this, e), this } , e.removelabel = function removelabel(t) { return delete this.labels[t], this } , e.addpause = function addpause(t, e, r) { var i = qt.delayedcall(0, e || q, r); return i.data = "ispause", this._haspause = 1, ba(this, i, bt(this, t)) } , e.removepause = function removepause(t) { var e = this._first; for (t = bt(this, t); e; ) e._start === t && "ispause" === e.data && ra(e), e = e._next } , e.killtweensof = function killtweensof(t, e, r) { for (var i = this.gettweensof(t, r), n = i.length; n--; ) yt !== i[n] && i[n].kill(t, e); return this } , e.gettweensof = function gettweensof(t, e) { for (var r, i = [], n = xt(t), a = this._first, s = q(e); a; ) a instanceof qt ? da(a._targets, n) && (s ? (!yt || a._initted && a._ts) && a.globaltime(0) <= e && a.globaltime(a.totalduration()) > e : !e || a.isactive()) && i.push(a) : (r = a.gettweensof(n, e)).length && i.push.apply(i, r), a = a._next; return i } , e.tweento = function tweento(t, e) { e = e || {}; var r, i = this, n = bt(i, t), a = e.startat, s = e.onstart, o = e.onstartparams, u = e.immediaterender, h = qt.to(i, ia({ ease: e.ease || "none", lazy: !1, immediaterender: !1, time: n, overwrite: "auto", duration: e.duration || math.abs((n - (a && "time"in a ? a.time : i._time)) / i.timescale()) || u, onstart: function onstart() { if (i.pause(), !r) { var t = e.duration || math.abs((n - (a && "time"in a ? a.time : i._time)) / i.timescale()); h._dur !== t && ia(h, t, 0, 1).render(h._time, !0, !0), r = 1 } s && s.apply(h, o || []) } }, e)); return u ? h.render(0) : h } , e.tweenfromto = function tweenfromto(t, e, r) { return this.tweento(e, ia({ startat: { time: bt(this, t) } }, r)) } , e.recent = function recent() { return this._recent } , e.nextlabel = function nextlabel(t) { return void 0 === t && (t = this._time), ib(this, bt(this, t)) } , e.previouslabel = function previouslabel(t) { return void 0 === t && (t = this._time), ib(this, bt(this, t), 1) } , e.currentlabel = function currentlabel(t) { return arguments.length ? this.seek(t, !0) : this.previouslabel(this._time + u) } , e.shiftchildren = function shiftchildren(t, e, r) { void 0 === r && (r = 0); for (var i, n = this._first, a = this.labels; n; ) n._start >= r && (n._start += t, n._end += t), n = n._next; if (e) for (i in a) a[i] >= r && (a[i] += t); return sa(this) } , e.invalidate = function invalidate() { var t = this._first; for (this._lock = 0; t; ) t.invalidate(), t = t._next; return n.prototype.invalidate.call(this) } , e.clear = function clear(t) { void 0 === t && (t = !0); for (var e, r = this._first; r; ) e = r._next, this.remove(r), r = e; return this._dp && (this._time = this._ttime = this._ptime = 0), t && (this.labels = {}), sa(this) } , e.totalduration = function totalduration(t) { var e, r, i, n = 0, a = this, s = a._last, o = x; if (arguments.length) return a.timescale((a._repeat < 0 ? a.duration() : a.totalduration()) / (a.reversed() ? -t : t)); if (a._dirty) { for (i = a.parent; s; ) e = s._prev, s._dirty && s.totalduration(), o < (r = s._start) && a._sort && s._ts && !a._lock ? (a._lock = 1, ba(a, s, r - s._delay, 1)._lock = 0) : o = r, r < 0 && s._ts && (n -= r, (!i && !a._dp || i && i.smoothchildtiming) && (a._start += r / a._ts, a._time -= r, a._ttime -= r), a.shiftchildren(-r, !1, -infinity), o = 0), s._end > n && s._ts && (n = s._end), s = e; ia(a, a === r && a._time > n ? a._time : n, 1, 1), a._dirty = 0 } return a._tdur } , timeline.updateroot = function updateroot(t) { if (r._ts && (fa(r, xa(t, r)), f = st.frame), st.frame >= ct) { ct += y.autosleep || 120; var e = r._first; if ((!e || !e._ts) && y.autosleep && st._listeners.length < 2) { for (; e && !e._ts; ) e = e._next; e || st.sleep() } } } , timeline }(nt); ia(qt.prototype, { _lock: 0, _haspause: 0, _forcing: 0 }); function sb(t, e, r, i, n, a) { var u, h, l, f; if (ft[t] && !1 !== (u = new ft[t]).init(n, u.rawvars ? e[t] : function _processvars(t, e, r, i, n) { if (p(t) && (t = vt(t, n, e, r, i)), !s(t) || t.style && t.nodetype || h(t) || z(t)) return o(t) ? vt(t, n, e, r, i) : t; var a, u = {}; for (a in t) u[a] = vt(t[a], n, e, r, i); return u }(e[t], i, n, a, r), r, i, a) && (r._pt = h = new ae(r._pt,n,t,0,1,u.render,u,0,u.priority), r !== d)) for (l = r._ptlookup[r._targets.indexof(n)], f = u._props.length; f--; ) l[u._props[f]] = h; return u } var yt, xt = function _addproptween(t, e, r, i, n, a, s, u, h) { p(i) && (i = i(n || 0, t, a)); var l, f = t[e], d = "get" !== r ? r : p(f) ? h ? t[e.indexof("set") || !p(t["get" + e.substr(3)]) ? e : "get" + e.substr(3)](h) : t[e]() : f, c = p(f) ? h ? $t : kt : gt; if (o(i) && (~i.indexof("random(") && (i = fb(i)), "=" === i.charat(1) && (!(l = parsefloat(d) + parsefloat(i.substr(2)) * ("-" === i.charat(0) ? -1 : 1) + (pa(d) || 0)) && 0 !== l || (i = l))), d !== i) return isnan(d * i) || "" === i ? (f || e in t || n(e, i), function _addcomplexstringproptween(t, e, r, i, n, a, s) { var o, u, h, l, f, d, c, p, _ = new ae(this._pt,t,e,0,1,te,null,n), m = 0, g = 0; for (_.b = r, _.e = i, r += "", (c = ~(i += "").indexof("random(")) && (i = fb(i)), a && (a(p = [r, i], t, e), r = p[0], i = p[1]), u = r.match(it) || []; o = it.exec(i); ) l = o[0], f = i.substring(m, o.index), h ? h = (h + 1) % 5 : "rgba(" === f.substr(-5) && (h = 1), l !== u[g++] && (d = parsefloat(u[g - 1]) || 0, _._pt = { _next: _._pt, p: f || 1 === g ? f : ",", s: d, c: "=" === l.charat(1) ? parsefloat(l.substr(2)) * ("-" === l.charat(0) ? -1 : 1) : parsefloat(l) - d, m: h && h < 4 ? math.round : 0 }, m = it.lastindex); return _.c = m < i.length ? i.substring(m, i.length) : "", _.fp = s, (nt.test(i) || c) && (_.e = 0), this._pt = _ } .call(this, t, e, d, i, c, u || y.stringfilter, h)) : (l = new ae(this._pt,t,e,+d || 0,i - (d || 0),"boolean" == typeof f ? ht : zt,0,c), h && (l.fp = h), s && l.modifier(s, this, t), this._pt = l) }, ut = function _inittween(e, r) { var i, n, a, s, o, u, h, l, f, d, c, p, m, g = e.vars, v = g.ease, y = g.startat, b = g.immediaterender, t = g.lazy, w = g.onupdate, x = g.onupdateparams, o = g.callbackscope, p = g.runbackwards, k = g.yoyoease, m = g.keyframes, a = g.autorevert, c = e._dur, s = e._startat, d = e._targets, z = e.parent, i = z && "nested" === z.data ? z.parent._targets : d, e = "auto" === e._overwrite && !f, b = e.timeline; if (!b || m && v || (v = "none"), e._ease = ft(v, l.ease), e._yease = k ? bt(ft(!0 === k ? v : k, l.ease)) : 0, k && e._yoyo && !e._repeat && (k = e._yease, e._yease = e._ease, e._ease = k), e._from = !b && !!g.runbackwards, !b) { if (p = (l = d[0] ? _(d[0]).harness : 0) && g[l.prop], i = ma(g, ut), s && s.render(-1, !0).kill(), y) if (ra(e._startat = qt.set(d, ia({ data: "isstart", overwrite: !1, parent: z, immediaterender: !0, lazy: t(t), startat: null, delay: 0, onupdate: w, onupdateparams: x, callbackscope: o, stagger: 0 }, y))), r < 0 && !b && !a && e._startat.render(-1, !0), b) { if (0 < r && !a && (e._startat = 0), c && r <= 0) return void (r && (e._ztime = r)) } else !1 === a && (e._startat = 0); else if (p && c) if (s) a || (e._startat = 0); else if (r && (b = !1), a = ia({ overwrite: !1, data: "isfromstart", lazy: b && t(t), immediaterender: b, stagger: 0, parent: z }, i), p && (a[l.prop] = p), ra(e._startat = qt.set(d, a)), r < 0 && e._startat.render(-1, !0), b) { if (!r) return } else _inittween(e._startat, u); for (e._pt = 0, t = c && t(t) || t && !c, n = 0; n < d.length; n++) { if (h = (o = d[n])._gsap || $(d)[n]._gsap, e._ptlookup[n] = d = {}, lt[h.id] && ht.length && ea(), c = i === d ? n : i.indexof(o), l && !1 !== (f = new l).init(o, p || i, e, c, i) && (e._pt = s = new ae(e._pt,o,f.name,0,1,f.render,f,0,f.priority), f._props.foreach(function(t) { d[t] = s }), f.priority && (u = 1)), !l || p) for (a in i) ft[a] && (f = sb(a, i, e, c, o, i)) ? f.priority && (u = 1) : d[a] = s = xt.call(e, o, a, "get", i[a], c, i, 0, g.stringfilter); e._op && e._op[n] && e.kill(o, e._op[n]), e && e._pt && (yt = e, r.killtweensof(o, d, e.globaltime(0)), m = !e.parent, yt = 0), e._pt && t && (lt[h.id] = 1) } u && ne(e), e._oninit && e._oninit(e) } e._onupdate = w, e._initted = (!e._op || e._pt) && !m }, vt = function _parsefuncorstring(t, e, r, i, n) { return p(t) ? t.call(e, r, i, n) : o(t) && ~t.indexof("random(") ? fb(t) : t }, jt = _t + "repeat,repeatdelay,yoyo,repeatrefresh,yoyoease", wt = (jt + ",id,stagger,delay,duration,paused,scrolltrigger").split(","), qt = function(c) { function tween(e, r, i, n) { var a; "number" == typeof r && (i.duration = r, r = i, i = null); var o, u, h, l, f, d, c, p, _ = (a = c.call(this, n ? r : na(r)) || this).vars, m = _.duration, g = _.delay, y = _.immediaterender, b = _.stagger, t = _.overwrite, w = _.keyframes, x = _.defaults, p = _.scrolltrigger, k = _.yoyoease, m = r.parent || r, a = (h(e) || z(e) ? q(e[0]) : "length"in r) ? [e] : xt(e); if (a._targets = a.length ? $(a) : o("gsap target " + e + " not found. https://greensock.com", !y.nulltargetwarn) || [], a._ptlookup = [], a._overwrite = t, w || b || v(m) || v(g)) { if (r = a.vars, (o = a.timeline = new qt({ data: "nested", defaults: x || {} })).kill(), o.parent = o._dp = _assertthisinitialized(a), o._start = 0, w) ia(o.vars.defaults, { ease: "none" }), b ? a.foreach(function(r, i) { return w.foreach(function(t, e) { return o.to(r, t, e ? ">" : i * b) }) }) : w.foreach(function(t) { return o.to(a, t, ">") }); else { if (l = a.length, c = b ? xa(b) : q, s(b)) for (f in b) ~jt.indexof(f) && ((p = p || {})[f] = b[f]); for (u = 0; u < l; u++) { for (f in h = {}, r) wt.indexof(f) < 0 && (h[f] = r[f]); h.stagger = 0, k && (h.yoyoease = k), p && mt(h, p), d = a[u], h.duration = +vt(m, _assertthisinitialized(a), u, d, a), h.delay = (+vt(g, _assertthisinitialized(a), u, d, a) || 0) - a._delay, !b && 1 === l && h.delay && (a._delay = g = h.delay, a._start += g, h.delay = 0), o.to(d, h, c(u, d, a)) } o.duration() ? m = g = 0 : a.timeline = 0 } m || a.duration(m = o.duration()) } else a.timeline = 0; return !0 !== t || f || (yt = _assertthisinitialized(a), r.killtweensof(a), yt = 0), ba(m, _assertthisinitialized(a), i), r.reversed && a.reverse(), r.paused && a.paused(!0), (y || !m && !w && a._start === ca(m._time) && t(y) && function _hasnopausedancestors(t) { return !t || t._ts && _hasnopausedancestors(t.parent) }(_assertthisinitialized(a)) && "nested" !== m.data) && (a._ttime = -u, a.render(math.max(0, -g))), p && ca(_assertthisinitialized(a), p), a } _inheritsloose(tween, c); var e = tween.prototype; return e.render = function render(t, e, r) { var i, n, a, s, o, u, h, l, f, d = this._time, c = this._tdur, p = this._dur, _ = c - u < t && 0 <= t ? c : t < u ? 0 : t; if (p) { if (_ !== this._ttime || !t || r || !this._initted && this._ttime || this._startat && this._ztime < 0 != t < 0) { if (i = _, l = this.timeline, this._repeat) { if (s = p + this._rdelay, this._repeat < -1 && t < 0) return this.totaltime(100 * s + t, e, r); if (i = ca(_ % s), _ === c ? (a = this._repeat, i = p) : ((a = ~~(_ / s)) && a === _ / s && (i = p, a--), p < i && (i = p)), (u = this._yoyo && 1 & a) && (f = this._yease, i = p - i), o = gt(this._ttime, s), i === d && !r && this._initted) return this; a !== o && (l && this._yease && gb(l, u), !this.vars.repeatrefresh || u || this._lock || (this._lock = r = 1, this.render(ca(s * a), !0).invalidate()._lock = 0)) } if (!this._initted) { if (da(this, t < 0 ? t : i, r, e)) return this._ttime = 0, this; if (p !== this._dur) return this.render(t, e, r) } if (this._ttime = _, this._time = i, !this._act && this._ts && (this._act = 1, this._lazy = 0), this.ratio = h = (f || this._ease)(i / p), this._from && (this.ratio = h = 1 - h), i && !d && !e && (pt(this, "onstart"), this._ttime !== _)) return this; for (n = this._pt; n; ) n.r(h, n.d), n = n._next; l && l.render(t < 0 ? t : !i && u ? -u : l._dur * h, e, r) || this._startat && (this._ztime = t), this._onupdate && !e && (t < 0 && this._startat && this._startat.render(t, !0, r), pt(this, "onupdate")), this._repeat && a !== o && this.vars.onrepeat && !e && this.parent && pt(this, "onrepeat"), _ !== this._tdur && _ || this._ttime !== _ || (t < 0 && this._startat && !this._onupdate && this._startat.render(t, !0, !0), !t && p || !(_ === this._tdur && 0 < this._ts || !_ && this._ts < 0) || ra(this, 1), e || t < 0 && !d || !_ && !d || (pt(this, _ === c ? "oncomplete" : "onreversecomplete", !0), !this._prom || _ < c && 0 < this.timescale() || this._prom())) } } else !function _renderzerodurationtween(t, e, r, i) { var n, a, s, o = t.ratio, u = e < 0 || !e && (!t._start && function _parentplayheadisbeforestart(t) { var e = t.parent; return e && e._ts && e._initted && !e._lock && (e.rawtime() < 0 || _parentplayheadisbeforestart(e)) }(t) && (t._initted || !vt(t)) || (t._ts < 0 || t._dp._ts < 0) && !vt(t)) ? 0 : 1, h = t._rdelay, l = 0; if (h && t._repeat && (l = tt(0, t._tdur, e), a = gt(l, h), s = gt(t._ttime, h), t._yoyo && 1 & a && (u = 1 - u), a !== s && (o = 1 - u, t.vars.repeatrefresh && t._initted && t.invalidate())), u !== o || i || t._ztime === u || !e && t._ztime) { if (!t._initted && da(t, e, i, r)) return; for (s = t._ztime, t._ztime = e || (r ? u : 0), r = r || e && !s, t.ratio = u, t._from && (u = 1 - u), t._time = 0, t._ttime = l, n = t._pt; n; ) n.r(u, n.d), n = n._next; t._startat && e < 0 && t._startat.render(e, !0, !0), t._onupdate && !r && pt(t, "onupdate"), l && t._repeat && !r && t.parent && pt(t, "onrepeat"), (e >= t._tdur || e < 0) && t.ratio === u && (u && ra(t, 1), r || (pt(t, u ? "oncomplete" : "onreversecomplete", !0), t._prom && t._prom())) } else t._ztime || (t._ztime = e) }(this, t, e, r); return this } , e.targets = function targets() { return this._targets } , e.invalidate = function invalidate() { return this._pt = this._op = this._startat = this._onupdate = this._lazy = this.ratio = 0, this._ptlookup = [], this.timeline && this.timeline.invalidate(), c.prototype.invalidate.call(this) } , e.kill = function kill(t, e) { if (void 0 === e && (e = "all"), !(t || e && "all" !== e)) return this._lazy = this._pt = 0, this.parent ? kb(this) : this; if (this.timeline) { var r = this.timeline.totalduration(); return this.timeline.killtweensof(t, e, yt && !0 !== yt.vars.overwrite)._first || kb(this), this.parent && r !== this.timeline.totalduration() && ia(this, this._dur * this.timeline._tdur / r, 0, 1), this } var i, n, a, s, u, h, l, f = this._targets, d = t ? xt(t) : f, c = this._ptlookup, p = this._pt; if ((!e || "all" === e) && function _arraysmatch(t, e) { for (var r = t.length, i = r === e.length; i && r-- && t[r] === e[r]; ) ; return r < 0 }(f, d)) return "all" === e && (this._pt = 0), kb(this); for (i = this._op = this._op || [], "all" !== e && (o(e) && (u = {}, ba(e, function(t) { return u[t] = 1 }), e = u), e = function _addaliasestovars(t, e) { var r, i, n, a, s = t[0] ? _(t[0]).harness : 0, o = s && s.aliases; if (!o) return e; for (i in r = mt({}, e), o) if (i in r) for (n = (a = o[i].split(",")).length; n--; ) r[a[n]] = r[i]; return r }(f, e)), l = f.length; l--; ) if (~d.indexof(f[l])) for (u in n = c[l], "all" === e ? (i[l] = e, s = n, a = {}) : (a = i[l] = i[l] || {}, s = e), s) (h = n && n[u]) && ("kill"in h.d && !0 !== h.d.kill(u) || qa(this, h, "_pt"), delete n[u]), "all" !== a && (a[u] = 1); return this._initted && !this._pt && p && kb(this), this } , tween.to = function to(t, e, r) { return new tween(t,e,r) } , tween.from = function from(t, e) { return ma(1, arguments) } , tween.delayedcall = function delayedcall(t, e, r, i) { return new tween(e,0,{ immediaterender: !1, lazy: !1, overwrite: !1, delay: t, oncomplete: e, onreversecomplete: e, oncompleteparams: r, onreversecompleteparams: r, callbackscope: i }) } , tween.fromto = function fromto(t, e, r) { return ma(2, arguments) } , tween.set = function set(t, e) { return e.duration = 0, e.repeatdelay || (e.repeat = 0), new tween(t,e) } , tween.killtweensof = function killtweensof(t, e, r) { return r.killtweensof(t, e, r) } , tween }(nt); ia(qt.prototype, { _targets: [], _lazy: 0, _startat: 0, _op: 0, _oninit: 0 }), ba("staggerto,staggerfrom,staggerfromto", function(r) { qt[r] = function() { var t = new qt , e = wt.call(arguments, 0); return e.splice("staggerfromto" === r ? 5 : 4, 0, 0), t[r].apply(t, e) } }); function bc(t, e, r) { return t.setattribute(e, r) } function jc(t, e, r, i) { i.mset(t, e, i.m.call(i.tween, r, i.mt), i) } var gt = function _setterplain(t, e, r) { return t[e] = r } , kt = function _setterfunc(t, e, r) { return t[e](r) } , $t = function _setterfuncwithparam(t, e, r, i) { return t[e](i.fp, r) } , jt = function _getsetter(t, e) { return p(t[e]) ? kt : r(t[e]) && t.setattribute ? bc : gt } , zt = function _renderplain(t, e) { return e.set(e.t, e.p, math.round(1e6 * (e.s + e.c * t)) / 1e6, e) } , ht = function _renderboolean(t, e) { return e.set(e.t, e.p, !!(e.s + e.c * t), e) } , te = function _rendercomplexstring(t, e) { var r = e._pt , i = ""; if (!t && e.b) i = e.b; else if (1 === t && e.e) i = e.e; else { for (; r; ) i = r.p + (r.m ? r.m(r.s + r.c * t) : math.round(1e4 * (r.s + r.c * t)) / 1e4) + i, r = r._next; i += e.c } e.set(e.t, e.p, i, e) } , ee = function _renderproptweens(t, e) { for (var r = e._pt; r; ) r.r(t, r.d), r = r._next } , re = function _addpluginmodifier(t, e, r, i) { for (var n, a = this._pt; a; ) n = a._next, a.p === i && a.modifier(t, e, r), a = n } , ie = function _killproptweensof(t) { for (var e, r, i = this._pt; i; ) r = i._next, i.p === t && !i.op || i.op === t ? qa(this, i, "_pt") : i.dep || (e = 1), i = r; return !e } , ne = function _sortproptweensbypriority(t) { for (var e, r, i, n, a = t._pt; a; ) { for (e = a._next, r = i; r && r.pr > a.pr; ) r = r._next; (a._prev = r ? r._prev : n) ? a._prev._next = a : i = a, (a._next = r) ? r._prev = a : n = a, a = e } t._pt = i } , ae = (proptween.prototype.modifier = function modifier(t, e, r) { this.mset = this.mset || this.set, this.set = jc, this.m = t, this.mt = r, this.tween = e } , proptween); function proptween(t, e, r, i, n, a, s, o, u) { this.t = e, this.s = i, this.c = n, this.p = r, this.r = a || zt, this.d = s || this, this.set = o || gt, this.pr = u || 0, (this._next = t) && (t._prev = this) } ba(_t + "parent,duration,ease,delay,overwrite,runbackwards,startat,yoyo,immediaterender,repeat,repeatdelay,data,paused,reversed,lazy,callbackscope,stringfilter,id,yoyoease,stagger,inherit,repeatrefresh,keyframes,autorevert,scrolltrigger", function(t) { return ut[t] = 1 }), ot.tweenmax = ot.tweenlite = qt, ot.timelinelite = ot.timelinemax = qt, r = new qt({ sortchildren: !1, defaults: l, autoremovechildren: !0, id: "root", smoothchildtiming: !0 }), y.stringfilter = vb; var se = { registerplugin: function registerplugin() { for (var t = arguments.length, e = new array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) e[r] = arguments[r]; e.foreach(function(t) { return function _createplugin(t) { var e = (t = !t.name && t.default || t).name , r = p(t) , i = e && !r && t.init ? function() { this._props = [] } : t , n = { init: q, render: ee, add: xt, kill: ie, modifier: re, rawvars: 0 } , a = { targettest: 0, get: 0, getsetter: jt, aliases: {}, register: 0 }; if (dt(), t !== i) { if (ft[e]) return; ia(i, ia(ma(t, n), a)), mt(i.prototype, mt(n, ma(t, a))), ft[i.prop = e] = i, t.targettest && (pt.push(i), ut[e] = 1), e = ("css" === e ? "css" : e.charat(0).touppercase() + e.substr(1)) + "plugin" } p(e, i), t.register && t.register(oe, i, ae) }(t) }) }, timeline: function timeline(t) { return new qt(t) }, gettweensof: function gettweensof(t, e) { return r.gettweensof(t, e) }, getproperty: function getproperty(i, t, e, r) { o(i) && (i = xt(i)[0]); var n = _(i || {}).get , a = e ? ha : ga; return "native" === e && (e = ""), i ? t ? a((ft[t] && ft[t].get || n)(i, t, e, r)) : function(t, e, r) { return a((ft[t] && ft[t].get || n)(i, t, e, r)) } : i }, quicksetter: function quicksetter(r, e, i) { if (1 < (r = xt(r)).length) { var n = r.map(function(t) { return oe.quicksetter(t, e, i) }) , a = n.length; return function(t) { for (var e = a; e--; ) n[e](t) } } r = r[0] || {}; var s = ft[e] , o = _(r) , u = o.harness && (o.harness.aliases || {})[e] || e , h = s ? function(t) { var e = new s; d._pt = 0, e.init(r, i ? t + i : t, d, 0, [r]), e.render(1, e), d._pt && ee(1, d) } : o.set(r, u); return s ? h : function(t) { return h(r, u, i ? t + i : t, o, 1) } }, istweening: function istweening(t) { return 0 < r.gettweensof(t, !0).length }, defaults: function defaults(t) { return t && t.ease && (t.ease = ft(t.ease, l.ease)), la(l, t || {}) }, config: function config(t) { return la(y, t || {}) }, registereffect: function registereffect(t) { var i = t.name , n = t.effect , e = t.plugins , a = t.defaults , r = t.extendtimeline; (e || "").split(",").foreach(function(t) { return t && !ft[t] && !ot[t] && o(i + " effect requires " + t + " plugin.") }), dt[i] = function(t, e, r) { return n(xt(t), ia(e || {}, a), r) } , r && (qt.prototype[i] = function(t, e, r) { return this.add(dt[i](t, s(e) ? e : (r = e) && {}, this), r) } ) }, registerease: function registerease(t, e) { zt[t] = ft(e) }, parseease: function parseease(t, e) { return arguments.length ? ft(t, e) : zt }, getbyid: function getbyid(t) { return r.getbyid(t) }, exportroot: function exportroot(e, r) { void 0 === e && (e = {}); var i, n, a = new qt(e); for (a.smoothchildtiming = t(e.smoothchildtiming), r.remove(a), a._dp = 0, a._time = a._ttime = r._time, i = r._first; i; ) n = i._next, !r && !i._dur && i instanceof qt && i.vars.oncomplete === i._targets[0] || ba(a, i, i._start - i._delay), i = n; return ba(r, a, 0), a }, utils: { wrap: function wrap(e, t, r) { var i = t - e; return h(e) ? cb(e, wrap(0, e.length), t) : na(r, function(t) { return (i + (t - e) % i) % i + e }) }, wrapyoyo: function wrapyoyo(e, t, r) { var i = t - e , n = 2 * i; return h(e) ? cb(e, wrapyoyo(0, e.length - 1), t) : na(r, function(t) { return e + (i < (t = (n + (t - e) % n) % n || 0) ? n - t : t) }) }, distribute: xa, random: $a, snap: za, normalize: function normalize(t, e, r) { return ot(t, e, 0, 1, r) }, getunit: pa, clamp: function clamp(e, r, t) { return na(t, function(t) { return tt(e, r, t) }) }, splitcolor: qb, toarray: xt, selector: function selector(r) { return r = xt(r)[0] || o("invalid scope") || {}, function(t) { var e = r.current || r.nativeelement || r; return xt(t, e.queryselectorall ? e : e === r ? o("invalid scope") || a.createelement("div") : r) } }, maprange: ot, pipe: function pipe() { for (var t = arguments.length, e = new array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) e[r] = arguments[r]; return function(t) { return e.reduce(function(t, e) { return e(t) }, t) } }, unitize: function unitize(e, r) { return function(t) { return e(parsefloat(t)) + (r || pa(t)) } }, interpolate: function interpolate(e, r, t, i) { var n = isnan(e + r) ? 0 : function(t) { return (1 - t) * e + t * r } ; if (!n) { var a, s, u, h, l, f = o(e), d = {}; if (!0 === t && (i = 1) && (t = null), f) e = { p: e }, r = { p: r }; else if (h(e) && !h(r)) { for (u = [], h = e.length, l = h - 2, s = 1; s < h; s++) u.push(interpolate(e[s - 1], e[s])); h--, n = function func(t) { t *= h; var e = math.min(l, ~~t); return u[e](t - e) } , t = r } else i || (e = mt(h(e) ? [] : {}, e)); if (!u) { for (a in r) xt.call(d, e, a, "get", r[a]); n = function func(t) { return ee(t, d) || (f ? e.p : e) } } } return na(t, n) }, shuffle: wa }, install: m, effects: dt, ticker: st, updateroot: qt.updateroot, plugins: ft, globaltimeline: r, core: { proptween: ae, globals: p, tween: qt, timeline: qt, animation: nt, getcache: _, _removelinkedlistitem: qa, suppressoverwrites: function suppressoverwrites(t) { return f = t } } }; ba("to,from,fromto,delayedcall,set,killtweensof", function(t) { return se[t] = qt[t] }), st.add(qt.updateroot), d = se.to({}, { duration: 0 }); function nc(t, e) { for (var r = t._pt; r && r.p !== e && r.op !== e && r.fp !== e; ) r = r._next; return r } function pc(t, n) { return { name: t, rawvars: 1, init: function init(t, i, e) { e._oninit = function(t) { var e, r; if (o(i) && (e = {}, ba(i, function(t) { return e[t] = 1 }), i = e), n) { for (r in e = {}, i) e[r] = n(i[r]); i = e } !function _addmodifiers(t, e) { var r, i, n, a = t._targets; for (r in e) for (i = a.length; i--; ) (n = (n = t._ptlookup[i][r]) && n.d) && (n._pt && (n = nc(n, r)), n && n.modifier && n.modifier(e[r], t, a[i], r)) }(t, i) } } } } var oe = se.registerplugin({ name: "attr", init: function init(t, e, r, i, n) { var a, s; for (a in e) (s = this.add(t, "setattribute", (t.getattribute(a) || 0) + "", e[a], i, n, 0, 0, a)) && (s.op = a), this._props.push(a) } }, { name: "endarray", init: function init(t, e) { for (var r = e.length; r--; ) this.add(t, r, t[r] || 0, e[r]) } }, pc("roundprops", ya), pc("modifiers"), pc("snap", za)) || se; qt.version = qt.version = oe.version = "3.7.1", l = 1, u() && dt(); function $c(t, e) { return e.set(e.t, e.p, math.round(1e4 * (e.s + e.c * t)) / 1e4 + e.u, e) } function _c(t, e) { return e.set(e.t, e.p, 1 === t ? e.e : math.round(1e4 * (e.s + e.c * t)) / 1e4 + e.u, e) } function ad(t, e) { return e.set(e.t, e.p, t ? math.round(1e4 * (e.s + e.c * t)) / 1e4 + e.u : e.b, e) } function bd(t, e) { var r = e.s + e.c * t; e.set(e.t, e.p, ~~(r + (r < 0 ? -.5 : .5)) + e.u, e) } function cd(t, e) { return e.set(e.t, e.p, t ? e.e : e.b, e) } function dd(t, e) { return e.set(e.t, e.p, 1 !== t ? e.b : e.e, e) } function ed(t, e, r) { return t.style[e] = r } function fd(t, e, r) { return t.style.setproperty(e, r) } function gd(t, e, r) { return t._gsap[e] = r } function hd(t, e, r) { return t._gsap.scalex = t._gsap.scaley = r } function id(t, e, r, i, n) { var a = t._gsap; a.scalex = a.scaley = r, a.rendertransform(n, a) } function jd(t, e, r, i, n) { var a = t._gsap; a[e] = r, a.rendertransform(n, a) } function nd(t, e) { var r = he.createelementns ? he.createelementns((e || "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml").replace(/^https/, "http"), t) : he.createelement(t); return r.style ? r : he.createelement(t) } function od(t, e, r) { var i = getcomputedstyle(t); return i[e] || i.getpropertyvalue(e.replace(re, "-$1").tolowercase()) || i.getpropertyvalue(e) || !r && od(t, ve(e) || e, 1) || "" } function rd() { (function _windowexists() { return "undefined" != typeof window } )() && window.document && (ue = window, he = ue.document, le = he.documentelement, de = nd("div") || { style: {} }, nd("div"), ye = ve(ye), xe = ye + "origin", de.style.csstext = "border-width:0;line-height:0;position:absolute;padding:0", pe = !!ve("perspective"), fe = 1) } function sd(t) { var e, r = nd("svg", this.ownersvgelement && this.ownersvgelement.getattribute("xmlns") || "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), i = this.parentnode, n = this.nextsibling, a = this.style.csstext; if (le.appendchild(r), r.appendchild(this), this.style.display = "block", t) try { e = this.getbbox(), this._gsapbbox = this.getbbox, this.getbbox = sd } catch (t) {} else this._gsapbbox && (e = this._gsapbbox()); return i && (n ? i.insertbefore(this, n) : i.appendchild(this)), le.removechild(r), this.style.csstext = a, e } function td(t, e) { for (var r = e.length; r--; ) if (t.hasattribute(e[r])) return t.getattribute(e[r]) } function ud(e) { var r; try { r = e.getbbox() } catch (t) { r = sd.call(e, !0) } return r && (r.width || r.height) || e.getbbox === sd || (r = sd.call(e, !0)), !r || r.width || r.x || r.y ? r : { x: +td(e, ["x", "cx", "x1"]) || 0, y: +td(e, ["y", "cy", "y1"]) || 0, width: 0, height: 0 } } function vd(t) { return !(!t.getctm || t.parentnode && !t.ownersvgelement || !ud(t)) } function wd(t, e) { if (e) { var r = t.style; e in ie && e !== xe && (e = ye), r.removeproperty ? ("ms" !== e.substr(0, 2) && "webkit" !== e.substr(0, 6) || (e = "-" + e), r.removeproperty(e.replace(re, "-$1").tolowercase())) : r.removeattribute(e) } } function xd(t, e, r, i, n, a) { var s = new ae(t._pt,e,r,0,1,a ? dd : cd); return (t._pt = s).b = i, s.e = n, t._props.push(r), s } function zd(t, e, r, i) { var n, a, s, o, u = parsefloat(r) || 0, h = (r + "").trim().substr((u + "").length) || "px", l = de.style, f = le.test(e), d = "svg" === t.tagname.tolowercase(), c = (d ? "client" : "offset") + (f ? "width" : "height"), p = "px" === i, m = "%" === i; return i === h || !u || je[i] || je[h] ? u : ("px" === h || p || (u = zd(t, e, r, "px")), o = t.getctm && vd(t), !m && "%" !== h || !ie[e] && !~e.indexof("adius") ? (l[f ? "width" : "height"] = 100 + (p ? h : i), a = ~e.indexof("adius") || "em" === i && t.appendchild && !d ? t : t.parentnode, o && (a = (t.ownersvgelement || {}).parentnode), a && a !== he && a.appendchild || (a = he.body), (s = a._gsap) && m && s.width && f && s.time === st.time ? ca(u / s.width * 100) : (!m && "%" !== h || (l.position = od(t, "position")), a === t && (l.position = "static"), a.appendchild(de), n = de[c], a.removechild(de), l.position = "absolute", f && m && ((s = _(a)).time = st.time, s.width = a[c]), ca(p ? n * u / 100 : n && u ? 100 / n * u : 0))) : (n = o ? t.getbbox()[f ? "width" : "height"] : t[c], ca(m ? u / n * 100 : u / 100 * n))) } function ad(t, e, r, i) { var n; return fe || rd(), e in qe && "transform" !== e && ~(e = qe[e]).indexof(",") && (e = e.split(",")[0]), ie[e] && "transform" !== e ? (n = $e(t, i), n = "transformorigin" !== e ? n[e] : n.svg ? n.origin : je(od(t, xe)) + " " + n.zorigin + "px") : (n = t.style[e]) && "auto" !== n && !i && !~(n + "").indexof("calc(") || (n = qe[e] && qe[e](t, e, r) || od(t, e) || aa(t, e) || ("opacity" === e ? 1 : 0)), r && !~(n + "").trim().indexof(" ") ? zd(t, e, n, r) + r : n } function bd(t, e, r, i) { if (!r || "none" === r) { var n = ve(e, t, 1) , a = n && od(t, n, 1); a && a !== r ? (e = n, r = a) : "bordercolor" === e && (r = od(t, "bordertopcolor")) } var s, o, u, h, l, f, d, c, p, _, m, g, v = new ae(this._pt,t.style,e,0,1,te), y = 0, b = 0; if (v.b = r, v.e = i, r += "", "auto" === (i += "") && (t.style[e] = i, i = od(t, e) || i, t.style[e] = r), vb(s = [r, i]), i = s[1], u = (r = s[0]).match(rt) || [], (i.match(rt) || []).length) { for (; o = rt.exec(i); ) d = o[0], p = i.substring(y, o.index), l ? l = (l + 1) % 5 : "rgba(" !== p.substr(-5) && "hsla(" !== p.substr(-5) || (l = 1), d !== (f = u[b++] || "") && (h = parsefloat(f) || 0, m = f.substr((h + "").length), (g = "=" === d.charat(1) ? +(d.charat(0) + "1") : 0) && (d = d.substr(2)), c = parsefloat(d), _ = d.substr((c + "").length), y = rt.lastindex - _.length, _ || (_ = _ || y.units[e] || m, y === i.length && (i += _, v.e += _)), m !== _ && (h = zd(t, e, f, _) || 0), v._pt = { _next: v._pt, p: p || 1 === b ? p : ",", s: h, c: g ? g * c : c - h, m: l && l < 4 || "zindex" === e ? math.round : 0 }); v.c = y < i.length ? i.substring(y, i.length) : "" } else v.r = "display" === e && "none" === i ? dd : cd; return nt.test(i) && (v.e = 0), this._pt = v } function dd(t) { var e = t.split(" ") , r = e[0] , i = e[1] || "50%"; return "top" !== r && "bottom" !== r && "left" !== i && "right" !== i || (t = r, r = i, i = t), e[0] = we[r] || r, e[1] = we[i] || i, e.join(" ") } function ed(t, e) { if (e.tween && e.tween._time === e.tween._dur) { var r, i, n, a = e.t, s = a.style, o = e.u, u = a._gsap; if ("all" === o || !0 === o) s.csstext = "", i = 1; else for (n = (o = o.split(",")).length; -1 < --n; ) r = o[n], ie[r] && (i = 1, r = "transformorigin" === r ? xe : ye), wd(a, r); i && (wd(a, ye), u && (u.svg && a.removeattribute("transform"), $e(a, 1), u.uncache = 1)) } } function id(t) { return "matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)" === t || "none" === t || !t } function jd(t) { var e = od(t, ye); return id(e) ? ge : e.substr(7).match(et).map(ca) } function kd(t, e) { var r, i, n, a, s = t._gsap || _(t), o = t.style, u = jd(t); return s.svg && t.getattribute("transform") ? "1,0,0,1,0,0" === (u = [(n = t.transform.baseval.consolidate().matrix).a, n.b, n.c, n.d, n.e, n.f]).join(",") ? ge : u : (u !== ge || t.offsetparent || t === le || s.svg || (n = o.display, o.display = "block", (r = t.parentnode) && t.offsetparent || (a = 1, i = t.nextsibling, le.appendchild(t)), u = jd(t), n ? o.display = n : wd(t, "display"), a && (i ? r.insertbefore(t, i) : r ? r.appendchild(t) : le.removechild(t))), e && 6 < u.length ? [u[0], u[1], u[4], u[5], u[12], u[13]] : u) } function ld(t, e, r, i, n, a) { var s, o, u, h = t._gsap, l = n || kd(t, !0), f = h.xorigin || 0, d = h.yorigin || 0, c = h.xoffset || 0, p = h.yoffset || 0, _ = l[0], m = l[1], g = l[2], v = l[3], y = l[4], b = l[5], t = e.split(" "), w = parsefloat(t[0]) || 0, x = parsefloat(t[1]) || 0; r ? l !== ge && (o = _ * v - m * g) && (u = w * (-m / o) + x * (_ / o) - (_ * b - m * y) / o, w = w * (v / o) + x * (-g / o) + (g * b - v * y) / o, x = u) : (w = (s = ud(t)).x + (~t[0].indexof("%") ? w / 100 * s.width : w), x = s.y + (~(t[1] || t[0]).indexof("%") ? x / 100 * s.height : x)), i || !1 !== i && h.smooth ? (y = w - f, b = x - d, h.xoffset = c + (y * _ + b * g) - y, h.yoffset = p + (y * m + b * v) - b) : h.xoffset = h.yoffset = 0, h.xorigin = w, h.yorigin = x, h.smooth = !!i, h.origin = e, h.originisabsolute = !!r, t.style[xe] = "0px 0px", a && (xd(a, h, "xorigin", f, w), xd(a, h, "yorigin", d, x), xd(a, h, "xoffset", c, h.xoffset), xd(a, h, "yoffset", p, h.yoffset)), t.setattribute("data-svg-origin", w + " " + x) } function od(t, e, r) { var i = pa(e); return ca(parsefloat(e) + parsefloat(zd(t, "x", r + "px", i))) + i } function vd(t, e, r, i, n, a) { var s, u, h = 360, l = o(n), f = parsefloat(n) * (l && ~n.indexof("rad") ? ee : 1), d = a ? f * a : f - i, c = i + d + "deg"; return l && ("short" === (s = n.split("_")[1]) && (d %= h) !== d % 180 && (d += d < 0 ? h : -h), "cw" === s && d < 0 ? d = (d + 36e9) % h - ~~(d / h) * h : "ccw" === s && 0 < d && (d = (d - 36e9) % h - ~~(d / h) * h)), t._pt = u = new ae(t._pt,e,r,i,d,_c), u.e = c, u.u = "deg", t._props.push(r), u } function wd(t, e) { for (var r in e) t[r] = e[r]; return t } function xd(t, e, r) { var i, n, a, s, o, u, h, l = wd({}, r._gsap), f = r.style; for (n in l.svg ? (a = r.getattribute("transform"), r.setattribute("transform", ""), f[ye] = e, i = $e(r, 1), wd(r, ye), r.setattribute("transform", a)) : (a = getcomputedstyle(r)[ye], f[ye] = e, i = $e(r, 1), f[ye] = a), ie) (a = l[n]) !== (s = i[n]) && "perspective,force3d,transformorigin,svgorigin".indexof(n) < 0 && (o = pa(a) !== (h = pa(s)) ? zd(r, n, a, h) : parsefloat(a), u = parsefloat(s), t._pt = new ae(t._pt,i,n,o,u - o,$c), t._pt.u = h || 0, t._props.push(n)); wd(i, l) } var ue, he, le, fe, de, ce, pe, _e = zt.power0, me = zt.power1, ge = zt.power2, ve = zt.power3, ye = zt.power4, be = zt.linear, te = zt.quad, we = zt.cubic, xe = zt.quart, oe = zt.quint, pe = zt.strong, ke = zt.elastic, me = zt.back, ae = zt.steppedease, ce = zt.bounce, se = zt.sine, de = zt.expo, ze = zt.circ, ie = {}, ee = 180 / math.pi, be = math.pi / 180, fe = math.atan2, re = /([a-z])/g, le = /(?:left|right|width|margin|padding|x)/i, ne = /[\s,\(]\s/, qe = { autoalpha: "opacity,visibility", scale: "scalex,scaley", alpha: "opacity" }, ye = "transform", xe = ye + "origin", ue = "o,moz,ms,ms,webkit".split(","), ve = function _checkpropprefix(t, e, r) { var i = (e || de).style , n = 5; if (t in i && !r) return t; for (t = t.charat(0).touppercase() + t.substr(1); n-- && !(ue[n] + t in i); ) ; return n < 0 ? null : (3 === n ? "ms" : 0 <= n ? ue[n] : "") + t }, je = { deg: 1, rad: 1, turn: 1 }, we = { top: "0%", bottom: "100%", left: "0%", right: "100%", center: "50%" }, qe = { clearprops: function clearprops(t, e, r, i, n) { if ("isfromstart" !== n.data) { var a = t._pt = new ae(t._pt,e,r,0,0,ed); return a.u = i, a.pr = -10, a.tween = n, t._props.push(r), 1 } } }, ge = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], ke = {}, $e = function _parsetransform(t, e) { var r = t._gsap || new lt(t); if ("x"in r && !e && !r.uncache) return r; var i, n, a, s, o, u, h, l, f, d, c, p, _, m, g, v, y, b, t, w, x, o, p, k, m, a, c, s, d, z, i, e, b = t.style, f = r.scalex < 0, r = "deg", l = od(t, xe) || "0"; return i = n = a = u = h = l = f = d = c = 0, s = o = 1, r.svg = !(!t.getctm || !vd(t)), m = kd(t, r.svg), r.svg && (k = (!r.uncache || "0px 0px" === l) && !e && t.getattribute("data-svg-origin"), ld(t, k || l, !!k || r.originisabsolute, !1 !== r.smooth, m)), p = r.xorigin || 0, _ = r.yorigin || 0, m !== ge && (b = m[0], t = m[1], w = m[2], x = m[3], i = o = m[4], n = p = m[5], 6 === m.length ? (s = math.sqrt(b * b + t * t), o = math.sqrt(x * x + w * w), u = b || t ? fe(t, b) * ee : 0, (f = w || x ? fe(w, x) * ee + u : 0) && (o *= math.abs(math.cos(f * be))), r.svg && (i -= p - (p * b + _ * w), n -= _ - (p * t + _ * x))) : (e = m[6], z = m[7], c = m[8], s = m[9], d = m[10], i = m[11], i = m[12], n = m[13], a = m[14], h = (g = fe(e, d)) * ee, g && (k = o * (v = math.cos(-g)) + c * (y = math.sin(-g)), m = p * v + s * y, a = e * v + d * y, c = o * -y + c * v, s = p * -y + s * v, d = e * -y + d * v, i = z * -y + i * v, o = k, p = m, e = a), l = (g = fe(-w, d)) * ee, g && (v = math.cos(-g), i = x * (y = math.sin(-g)) + i * v, b = k = b * v - c * y, t = m = t * v - s * y, w = a = w * v - d * y), u = (g = fe(t, b)) * ee, g && (k = b * (v = math.cos(g)) + t * (y = math.sin(g)), m = o * v + p * y, t = t * v - b * y, p = p * v - o * y, b = k, o = m), h && 359.9 < math.abs(h) + math.abs(u) && (h = u = 0, l = 180 - l), s = ca(math.sqrt(b * b + t * t + w * w)), o = ca(math.sqrt(p * p + e * e)), g = fe(o, p), f = 2e-4 < math.abs(g) ? g * ee : 0, c = i ? 1 / (i < 0 ? -i : i) : 0), r.svg && (k = t.getattribute("transform"), r.forcecss = t.setattribute("transform", "") || !id(od(t, ye)), k && t.setattribute("transform", k))), 90 < math.abs(f) && math.abs(f) < 270 && (f ? (s *= -1, f += u <= 0 ? 180 : -180, u += u <= 0 ? 180 : -180) : (o *= -1, f += f <= 0 ? 180 : -180)), r.x = i - ((r.xpercent = i && (r.xpercent || (math.round(t.offsetwidth / 2) === math.round(-i) ? -50 : 0))) ? t.offsetwidth * r.xpercent / 100 : 0) + "px", r.y = n - ((r.ypercent = n && (r.ypercent || (math.round(t.offsetheight / 2) === math.round(-n) ? -50 : 0))) ? t.offsetheight * r.ypercent / 100 : 0) + "px", r.z = a + "px", r.scalex = ca(s), r.scaley = ca(o), r.rotation = ca(u) + r, r.rotationx = ca(h) + r, r.rotationy = ca(l) + r, r.skewx = f + r, r.skewy = d + r, r.transformperspective = c + "px", (r.zorigin = parsefloat(l.split(" ")[2]) || 0) && (b[xe] = je(l)), r.xoffset = r.yoffset = 0, r.force3d = y.force3d, r.rendertransform = r.svg ? ir : pe ? rr : ze, r.uncache = 0, r }, je = function _firsttwoonly(t) { return (t = t.split(" "))[0] + " " + t[1] }, ze = function _rendernon3dtransforms(t, e) { e.z = "0px", e.rotationy = e.rotationx = "0deg", e.force3d = 0, rr(t, e) }, he = "0deg", tr = "0px", er = ") ", rr = function _rendercsstransforms(t, e) { var r = e || this , i = r.xpercent , n = r.ypercent , a = r.x , s = r.y , o = r.z , u = r.rotation , h = r.rotationy , l = r.rotationx , f = r.skewx , d = r.skewy , c = r.scalex , p = r.scaley , _ = r.transformperspective , m = r.force3d , g = r.target , v = r.zorigin , y = "" , b = "auto" === m && t && 1 !== t || !0 === m; if (v && (l !== he || h !== he)) { var t, w = parsefloat(h) * be, x = math.sin(w), o = math.cos(w); w = parsefloat(l) * be, t = math.cos(w), a = od(g, a, x * t * -v), s = od(g, s, -math.sin(w) * -v), o = od(g, o, o * t * -v + v) } _ !== tr && (y += "perspective(" + _ + er), (i || n) && (y += "translate(" + i + "%, " + n + "%) "), !b && a === tr && s === tr && o === tr || (y += o !== tr || b ? "translate3d(" + a + ", " + s + ", " + o + ") " : "translate(" + a + ", " + s + er), u !== he && (y += "rotate(" + u + er), h !== he && (y += "rotatey(" + h + er), l !== he && (y += "rotatex(" + l + er), f === he && d === he || (y += "skew(" + f + ", " + d + er), 1 === c && 1 === p || (y += "scale(" + c + ", " + p + er), g.style[ye] = y || "translate(0, 0)" }, ir = function _rendersvgtransforms(t, e) { var r, i, n, a, s, o = e || this, u = o.xpercent, h = o.ypercent, l = o.x, f = o.y, d = o.rotation, c = o.skewx, p = o.skewy, _ = o.scalex, m = o.scaley, g = o.target, v = o.xorigin, y = o.yorigin, b = o.xoffset, t = o.yoffset, w = o.forcecss, x = parsefloat(l), o = parsefloat(f); d = parsefloat(d), c = parsefloat(c), (p = parsefloat(p)) && (c += p = parsefloat(p), d += p), d || c ? (d *= be, c *= be, r = math.cos(d) * _, i = math.sin(d) * _, n = math.sin(d - c) * -m, a = math.cos(d - c) * m, c && (p *= be, s = math.tan(c - p), n *= s = math.sqrt(1 + s * s), a *= s, p && (s = math.tan(p), r *= s = math.sqrt(1 + s * s), i *= s)), r = ca(r), i = ca(i), n = ca(n), a = ca(a)) : (r = _, a = m, i = n = 0), (x && !~(l + "").indexof("px") || o && !~(f + "").indexof("px")) && (x = zd(g, "x", l, "px"), o = zd(g, "y", f, "px")), (v || y || b || t) && (x = ca(x + v - (v * r + y * n) + b), o = ca(o + y - (v * i + y * a) + t)), (u || h) && (s = g.getbbox(), x = ca(x + u / 100 * s.width), o = ca(o + h / 100 * s.height)), s = "matrix(" + r + "," + i + "," + n + "," + a + "," + x + "," + o + ")", g.setattribute("transform", s), w && (g.style[ye] = s) }; ba("padding,margin,width,radius", function(e, r) { var t = "right" , i = "bottom" , n = "left" , o = (r < 3 ? ["top", t, i, n] : ["top" + n, "top" + t, i + t, i + n]).map(function(t) { return r < 2 ? e + t : "border" + t + e }); qe[1 < r ? "border" + e : e] = function(e, t, r, i, n) { var a, s; if (arguments.length < 4) return a = o.map(function(t) { return ad(e, t, r) }), 5 === (s = a.join(" ")).split(a[0]).length ? a[0] : s; a = (i + "").split(" "), s = {}, o.foreach(function(t, e) { return s[t] = a[e] = a[e] || a[(e - 1) / 2 | 0] }), e.init(t, s, n) } }); var nr, ar, sr, or = { name: "css", register: rd, targettest: function targettest(t) { return t.style && t.nodetype }, init: function init(t, e, r, i, n) { var a, s, o, u, h, l, f, d, c, p, _, m, g, v, y, b = this._props, t = t.style, w = r.vars.startat; for (f in fe || rd(), e) if ("autoround" !== f && (s = e[f], !ft[f] || !sb(f, e, r, i, t, n))) if (h = typeof s, l = qe[f], "function" === h && (h = typeof (s = s.call(r, i, t, n))), "string" === h && ~s.indexof("random(") && (s = fb(s)), l) l(this, t, f, s, r) && (y = 1); else if ("--" === f.substr(0, 2)) a = (getcomputedstyle(t).getpropertyvalue(f) + "").trim(), s += "", at.lastindex = 0, at.test(a) || (d = pa(a), c = pa(s)), c ? d !== c && (a = zd(t, f, a, c) + c) : d && (s += d), this.add(t, "setproperty", a, s, i, n, 0, 0, f), b.push(f); else if ("undefined" !== h) { if (w && f in w ? (a = "function" == typeof w[f] ? w[f].call(r, i, t, n) : w[f], f in y.units && !pa(a) && (a += y.units[f]), "=" === (a + "").charat(1) && (a = ad(t, f))) : a = ad(t, f), u = parsefloat(a), (p = "string" === h && "=" === s.charat(1) ? +(s.charat(0) + "1") : 0) && (s = s.substr(2)), o = parsefloat(s), f in qe && ("autoalpha" === f && (1 === u && "hidden" === ad(t, "visibility") && o && (u = 0), xd(this, t, "visibility", u ? "inherit" : "hidden", o ? "inherit" : "hidden", !o)), "scale" !== f && "transform" !== f && ~(f = qe[f]).indexof(",") && (f = f.split(",")[0])), _ = f in ie) if (m || ((g = t._gsap).rendertransform && !e.parsetransform || $e(t, e.parsetransform), v = !1 !== e.smoothorigin && g.smooth, (m = this._pt = new ae(this._pt,t,ye,0,1,g.rendertransform,g,0,-1)).dep = 1), "scale" === f) this._pt = new ae(this._pt,g,"scaley",g.scaley,(p ? p * o : o - g.scaley) || 0), b.push("scaley", f), f += "x"; else { if ("transformorigin" === f) { s = dd(s), g.svg ? ld(t, s, 0, v, 0, this) : ((c = parsefloat(s.split(" ")[2]) || 0) !== g.zorigin && xd(this, g, "zorigin", g.zorigin, c), xd(this, t, f, je(a), je(s))); continue } if ("svgorigin" === f) { ld(t, s, 1, v, 0, this); continue } if (f in ke) { vd(this, g, f, u, s, p); continue } if ("smoothorigin" === f) { xd(this, g, "smooth", g.smooth, s); continue } if ("force3d" === f) { g[f] = s; continue } if ("transform" === f) { xd(this, s, t); continue } } else f in t || (f = ve(f) || f); if (_ || (o || 0 === o) && (u || 0 === u) && !ne.test(s) && f in t) o = o || 0, (d = (a + "").substr((u + "").length)) !== (c = pa(s) || (f in y.units ? y.units[f] : d)) && (u = zd(t, f, a, c)), this._pt = new ae(this._pt,_ ? g : t,f,u,p ? p * o : o - u,_ || "px" !== c && "zindex" !== f || !1 === e.autoround ? $c : bd), this._pt.u = c || 0, d !== c && (this._pt.b = a, this._pt.r = ad); else if (f in t) bd.call(this, t, f, a, s); else { if (!(f in t)) { n(f, s); continue } this.add(t, f, a || t[f], s, i, n) } b.push(f) } y && ne(this) }, get: ad, aliases: qe, getsetter: function getsetter(t, e, i) { var n = qe[e]; return n && n.indexof(",") < 0 && (e = n), e in ie && e !== xe && (t._gsap.x || ad(t, "x")) ? i && ce === i ? "scale" === e ? hd : gd : (ce = i || {}) && ("scale" === e ? id : jd) : t.style && !r(t.style[e]) ? ed : ~e.indexof("-") ? fd : jt(t, e) }, core: { _removeproperty: wd, _getmatrix: kd } }; oe.utils.checkprefix = ve, sr = ba((nr = "x,y,z,scale,scalex,scaley,xpercent,ypercent") + "," + (ar = "rotation,rotationx,rotationy,skewx,skewy") + ",transform,transformorigin,svgorigin,force3d,smoothorigin,transformperspective", function(t) { ie[t] = 1 }), ba(ar, function(t) { y.units[t] = "deg", ke[t] = 1 }), qe[sr[13]] = nr + "," + ar, ba("0:translatex,1:translatey,2:translatez,8:rotate,8:rotationz,8:rotatez,9:rotatex,10:rotatey", function(t) { var e = t.split(":"); qe[e[1]] = sr[e[0]] }), ba("x,y,z,top,right,bottom,left,width,height,fontsize,padding,margin,perspective", function(t) { y.units[t] = "px" }), oe.registerplugin(or); var ur = oe.registerplugin(or) || oe , hr = ur.core.tween; e.back = me, e.bounce = ce, e.cssplugin = or, e.circ = ze, e.cubic = we, e.elastic = ke, e.expo = de, e.linear = be, e.power0 = _e, e.power1 = me, e.power2 = ge, e.power3 = ve, e.power4 = ye, e.quad = te, e.quart = xe, e.quint = oe, e.sine = se, e.steppedease = ae, e.strong = pe, e.timelinelite = qt, e.timelinemax = qt, e.tweenlite = qt, e.tweenmax = hr, e.default = ur, e.gsap = ur; if (typeof (window) === "undefined" || window !== e) { object.defineproperty(e, "__esmodule", { value: !0 }) } else { delete e.default } }); !function(n, t) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : n.splitting = t() }(this, function() { "use strict" var u = document , l = u.createtextnode.bind(u) function d(n, t, e) { n.style.setproperty(t, e) } function f(n, t) { return n.appendchild(t) } function p(n, t, e, r) { var i = u.createelement("span") return t && (i.classname = t), e && (!r && i.setattribute("data-" + t, e), i.textcontent = e), n && f(n, i) || i } function h(n, t) { return n.getattribute("data-" + t) } function m(n, t) { return n && 0 != n.length ? n.nodename ? [n] : [].slice.call(n[0].nodename ? n : (t || u).queryselectorall(n)) : [] } function o(n) { for (var t = []; n--; ) t[n] = [] return t } function g(n, t) { n && n.some(t) } function c(t) { return function(n) { return t[n] } } var a = {} function n(n, t, e, r) { return { by: n, depends: t, key: e, split: r } } function e(n) { return function t(e, n, r) { var i = r.indexof(e) if (-1 == i) r.unshift(e), g(a[e].depends, function(n) { t(n, e, r) }) else { var u = r.indexof(n) r.splice(i, 1), r.splice(u, 0, e) } return r }(n, 0, []).map(c(a)) } function t(n) { a[n.by] = n } function v(n, r, i, u, o) { n.normalize() var c = [] , a = document.createdocumentfragment() u && c.push(n.previoussibling) var s = [] return m(n.childnodes).some(function(n) { if (!n.tagname || n.haschildnodes()) { if (n.childnodes && n.childnodes.length) return s.push(n), void c.push.apply(c, v(n, r, i, u, o)) var t = n.wholetext || "" , e = t.trim() e.length && (" " === t[0] && s.push(l(" ")), g(e.split(i), function(n, t) { t && o && s.push(p(a, "whitespace", " ", o)) var e = p(a, r, n) c.push(e), s.push(e) }), " " === t[t.length - 1] && s.push(l(" "))) } else s.push(n) }), g(s, function(n) { f(a, n) }), n.innerhtml = "", f(n, a), c } var s = 0 var i = "words" , r = n(i, s, "word", function(n) { return v(n, "word", /\s+/, 0, 1) }) , y = "chars" , w = n(y, [i], "char", function(n, e, t) { var r = [] return g(t[i], function(n, t) { r.push.apply(r, v(n, "char", "", e.whitespace && t)) }), r }) function b(t) { var f = (t = t || {}).key return m(t.target || "[data-splitting]").map(function(a) { var s = a["棣冨磼"] if (!t.force && s) return s s = a["棣冨磼"] = { el: a } var n = e(t.by || h(a, "splitting") || y) , l = function(n, t) { for (var e in t) n[e] = t[e] return n }({}, t) return g(n, function(n) { if (n.split) { var t = n.by , e = (f ? "-" + f : "") + n.key , r = n.split(a, l, s) e && (i = a, c = (o = "--" + e) + "-index", g(u = r, function(n, t) { array.isarray(n) ? g(n, function(n) { d(n, c, t) }) : d(n, c, t) }), d(i, o + "-total", u.length)), s[t] = r, a.classlist.add(t) } var i, u, o, c }), a.classlist.add("splitting"), s }) } function n(n, t, e) { var r = m(t.matching || n.children, n) , i = {} return g(r, function(n) { var t = math.round(n[e]); (i[t] || (i[t] = [])).push(n) }), object.keys(i).map(number).sort(x).map(c(i)) } function x(n, t) { return n - t } b.html = function(n) { var t = (n = n || {}).target = p() return t.innerhtml = n.content, b(n), t.outerhtml } , b.add = t var t = n("lines", [i], "line", function(n, t, e) { return n(n, { matching: e[i] }, "offsettop") }) , l = n("items", s, "item", function(n, t) { return m(t.matching || n.children, n) }) , k = n("rows", s, "row", function(n, t) { return n(n, t, "offsettop") }) , a = n("cols", s, "col", function(n, t) { return n(n, t, "offsetleft") }) , c = n("grid", ["rows", "cols"]) , m = "layout" , s = n(m, s, s, function(n, t) { var e = t.rows = +(t.rows || h(n, "rows") || 1) , r = t.columns = +(t.columns || h(n, "columns") || 1) if (t.image = t.image || h(n, "image") || n.currentsrc || n.src, t.image) { var i = m("img", n)[0] t.image = i && (i.currentsrc || i.src) } t.image && d(n, "background-image", "url(" + t.image + ")") for (var u = e * r, o = [], c = p(s, "cell-grid"); u--; ) { var a = p(c, "cell") p(a, "cell-inner"), o.push(a) } return f(n, c), o }) , h = n("cellrows", [m], "row", function(n, t, e) { var r = t.rows , i = o(r) return g(e[m], function(n, t, e) { i[math.floor(t / (e.length / r))].push(n) }), i }) , o = n("cellcolumns", [m], "col", function(n, t, e) { var r = t.columns , i = o(r) return g(e[m], function(n, t) { i[t % r].push(n) }), i }) , j = n("cells", ["cellrows", "cellcolumns"], "cell", function(n, t, e) { return e[m] }) return t(r), t(w), t(t), t(l), t(k), t(a), t(c), t(s), t(h), t(o), t(j), b })